Fixtype of instructions.
This is a tagged union type, introduced by fty::deftagsum.
Member Tags → Types
- :op-imm → instr-op-imm
- :op-imms32 → instr-op-imms32
- :op-imms64 → instr-op-imms64
- :op-imm-32 → instr-op-imm-32
- :op-imms-32 → instr-op-imms-32
- :lui → instr-lui
- :auipc → instr-auipc
- :op → instr-op
- :op-32 → instr-op-32
- :jal → instr-jal
- :jalr → instr-jalr
- :branch → instr-branch
- :load → instr-load
- :store → instr-store
The tags of the summands of this fixtype correspond to opcodes.
The components of each summand correspond to the non-opcode fields.
The OP-IMM opcode corresponds to
:op-imm for non-shift instructions,
:op-imms32 for RV32I shift instructions, and
:op-imms64 for RV64I shift instructions.
They are distinct summands because the formats differ:
non-shift instructions use the I-type format;
shift instructions use a specialization of the I-type format,
but a slightly different one in RV32I vs. RV64I,
namely in the number of bits of the shift amount (5 vs. 6).
The OP-IMM-32 opcode corresponds to
:op-imm-32 for non-shift instructions, and
:op-imms-32 for shift instructions.
They are distinct summands because the formats differ:
non-shift instructions use the I-type format;
shift instructions use a specialization of the I-type format.
The LUI opcode [ISA:2.4.1] [ISA:4.2.1] corresponds to :lui.
The AUIPC [ISA:2.4.1] [ISA:4.2.1] opcode corresponds to :auipc.
The OP opcode corresponds to :op.
The OP-32 opcode corresponds to :op-32.
The JAL opcode [ISA:2.5.1] corresponds to :jal.
The JALR opcode [ISA:2.5.1] corresponds to :jalr.
The BRANCH opcode corresponds to :branch.
The LOAD opcode corresponds to :load.
The STORE opcode corresponds to :store.
- Instrp
- Recognizer for instr structures.
- Instr-fix
- Fixing function for instr structures.
- Instr-case
- Case macro for the different kinds of instr structures.
- Instr-store
- Instr-op-imms64
- Instr-op-imms32
- Instr-op-imms-32
- Instr-op-imm-32
- Instr-op-imm
- Instr-op-32
- Instr-op
- Instr-load
- Instr-branch
- Instr-equiv
- Basic equivalence relation for instr structures.
- Instr-jalr
- Instr-lui
- Instr-jal
- Instr-auipc
- Instr-kind
- Get the kind (tag) of a instr structure.