Fixtype of declarations [C17:6.7] [C17:A.2.2].
This is a tagged union type, introduced by fty::deftagsum.
Member Tags → Types
- :decl → decl-decl
- :statassert → decl-statassert
As a GCC extension,
we include the possibility that
the declaration starts with the __extension__ GCC keyword.
We model this as a boolean saying whether
the keyword is present or absent.
- Decl-case
- Case macro for the different kinds of decl structures.
- Declp
- Recognizer for decl structures.
- Decl-equiv
- Basic equivalence relation for decl structures.
- Decl-decl
- Decl-statassert
- Decl-kind
- Get the kind (tag) of a decl structure.
- Decl-fix
- Fixing function for decl structures.
- Decl-count
- Measure for recurring over decl structures.