Fixtype of file sets.
This is a product type introduced by fty::defprod.
A file set is a collection of related files. This is not an explicit notion in [C17], but it is a useful one in a language formalization: a program, or a portion of a program, is contained in a set of related files. This notion is not quite the same as that of C program, which, according to [C17], is a complete executable application: a library would not qualify as a program in this sense.
For now, a file set consists of one or two files (see file),
namely an optional header and a source file,
which have the same name except for the extension.
(The preceding sentence uses the terminology in [C17:5.1.1/1],
which appears to call `headers' the
In the future, we may extend this notion of file set to be something like a finite map from file system paths to (contents of) files.
The notion of file set defined here is related to the one defined in c$::fileset, where it is actually part of the concrete (not abstract) syntax for tools. We plan to make the overall nomenclature more consistent at some point.