Check an expression that must be an assignment expression.
(check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv) → wf?
For now, we only allow simple assignment expressions. The left-hand side expression must be a pure lvalue. Before checking that, we perform an array-to-pointer conversion [C17:]: in doing so, we also turn off the lvalue flag of the expression type, as specified in [C17:]; this means that using something of an array type as the left-hand side of assignment fails. The right-hand side must be a function call or a pure expression; we implicitly apply lvalue conversion to it (because check-expr-call-or-pure returns a plain type; we apply array-to-pointer conversion to it as well.
The two sides must have the same type,
which is more restrictive than [C17:].
Since it is an invariant (currently not formally proved)
that variables never have
(defun check-expr-asg (e funtab vartab tagenv) (declare (xargs :guard (and (exprp e) (fun-tablep funtab) (var-tablep vartab) (tag-envp tagenv)))) (let ((__function__ 'check-expr-asg)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((unless (expr-case e :binary)) (reserrf (list :expr-asg-not-binary (expr-fix e)))) (op (expr-binary->op e)) (left (expr-binary->arg1 e)) (right (expr-binary->arg2 e)) ((unless (binop-case op :asg)) (reserrf (list :expr-asg-not-asg op))) ((okf left-etype) (check-expr-pure left vartab tagenv)) (left-type (expr-type->type left-etype)) (left-etype (if (type-case left-type :array) (make-expr-type :type (apconvert-type left-type) :lvalue nil) left-etype)) ((unless (expr-type->lvalue left-etype)) (reserrf (list :asg-left-not-lvalue (expr-fix e)))) (left-type (expr-type->type left-etype)) ((okf right-type) (check-expr-call-or-pure right funtab vartab tagenv)) (right-type (apconvert-type right-type)) ((unless (equal left-type right-type)) (reserrf (list :asg-mistype left right :required left-type :supplied right-type))) ((unless (or (type-arithmeticp left-type) (type-case left-type :struct) (type-case left-type :pointer))) (reserrf (list :expr-asg-disallowed-type left-type)))) :wellformed)))
(defthm wellformed-resultp-of-check-expr-asg (b* ((wf? (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv))) (wellformed-resultp wf?)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm check-expr-asg-of-expr-fix-e (equal (check-expr-asg (expr-fix e) funtab vartab tagenv) (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-expr-asg-expr-equiv-congruence-on-e (implies (expr-equiv e e-equiv) (equal (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv) (check-expr-asg e-equiv funtab vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-expr-asg-of-fun-table-fix-funtab (equal (check-expr-asg e (fun-table-fix funtab) vartab tagenv) (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-expr-asg-fun-table-equiv-congruence-on-funtab (implies (fun-table-equiv funtab funtab-equiv) (equal (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv) (check-expr-asg e funtab-equiv vartab tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-expr-asg-of-var-table-fix-vartab (equal (check-expr-asg e funtab (var-table-fix vartab) tagenv) (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-expr-asg-var-table-equiv-congruence-on-vartab (implies (var-table-equiv vartab vartab-equiv) (equal (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv) (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab-equiv tagenv))) :rule-classes :congruence)
(defthm check-expr-asg-of-tag-env-fix-tagenv (equal (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab (tag-env-fix tagenv)) (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv)))
(defthm check-expr-asg-tag-env-equiv-congruence-on-tagenv (implies (tag-env-equiv tagenv tagenv-equiv) (equal (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv) (check-expr-asg e funtab vartab tagenv-equiv))) :rule-classes :congruence)