Generate the iterated argument update function definitions.
(defarbrec-gen-update-fns x1...xn$ updates update-names$ k wrld) → (mv local-events exported-events)
These are the functions
(defun defarbrec-gen-update-fns-aux (x1...xn$ updates update-names$ k i wrld) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbol-listp x1...xn$) (pseudo-term-listp updates) (symbol-listp update-names$) (symbolp k) (plist-worldp wrld) (integer-range-p 0 (len update-names$) i)))) (declare (xargs :guard (equal (len updates) (len update-names$)))) (let ((__function__ 'defarbrec-gen-update-fns-aux)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((i (mbe :logic (nfix i) :exec i)) ((when (>= i (len update-names$))) (mv nil nil)) (name (nth i update-names$)) (xi (nth i x1...xn$)) (formals (cons k x1...xn$)) (updates (untranslate-lst updates nil wrld)) (body (cons 'if (cons (cons 'zp (cons k 'nil)) (cons xi (cons (cons name (cons (cons '1- (cons k 'nil)) updates)) 'nil))))) (measure (cons 'acl2-count (cons k 'nil))) (hints '(("Goal" :in-theory nil))) (local-event (cons 'local (cons (cons 'defun (cons name (cons formals (cons (cons 'declare (cons (cons 'xargs (cons ':measure (cons measure (cons ':well-founded-relation (cons 'o< (cons ':hints (cons hints 'nil))))))) 'nil)) (cons body 'nil))))) 'nil))) (exported-event (cons 'defun (cons name (cons formals (cons (cons 'declare (cons (cons 'xargs (cons ':measure (cons measure '(:well-founded-relation o<)))) 'nil)) (cons body 'nil)))))) ((mv local-events exported-events) (defarbrec-gen-update-fns-aux x1...xn$ updates update-names$ k (1+ i) wrld))) (mv (cons local-event local-events) (cons exported-event exported-events)))))
(defun defarbrec-gen-update-fns (x1...xn$ updates update-names$ k wrld) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbol-listp x1...xn$) (pseudo-term-listp updates) (symbol-listp update-names$) (symbolp k) (plist-worldp wrld)))) (declare (xargs :guard (equal (len updates) (len update-names$)))) (let ((__function__ 'defarbrec-gen-update-fns)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (defarbrec-gen-update-fns-aux x1...xn$ updates update-names$ k 0 wrld)))