Basic automation of equal-by-eval-bdds.
This is a computed hint in the spirits of the ordered sets library's pick-a-point automation. It reduces questions of BDD equality to questions of BDD evaluation.
(defun equal-by-eval-bdds-hint-fn (id clause hist pspv ctx stable world state) (declare (xargs :stobjs state) (ignorable id)) (if (not stable) nil (let* ((rcnst (access prove-spec-var pspv :rewrite-constant)) (ens (access rewrite-constant rcnst :current-enabled-structure))) (if (not (enabled-numep (fnume '(:rewrite equal-by-eval-bdds) world) ens)) nil (let ((conclusion (car (last clause)))) (if (not (and (consp conclusion) (or (eq (car conclusion) 'equal) (eq (car conclusion) 'not)))) nil (let ((lhs (second conclusion)) (rhs (or (third conclusion) *nil*)) (hyps (dumb-negate-lit-lst (butlast clause 1)))) (let ((lhs-okp (term-is-bdd lhs hyps clause hist pspv world ctx state))) (if (not lhs-okp) nil (let ((rhs-okp (term-is-bdd rhs hyps clause hist pspv world ctx state))) (if (not rhs-okp) nil (let ((hint (cons ':use (cons (cons ':functional-instance (cons 'equal-by-eval-bdds (cons (cons 'bdd-hyps (cons (cons 'lambda (cons 'nil (cons (cons 'and hyps) 'nil))) 'nil)) (cons (cons 'bdd-lhs (cons (cons 'lambda (cons 'nil (cons lhs 'nil))) 'nil)) (cons (cons 'bdd-rhs (cons (cons 'lambda (cons 'nil (cons rhs 'nil))) 'nil)) 'nil))))) 'nil)))) (prog2$ (cw "~|~%We now appeal to ~s3 in an ~ attempt to show that ~x0 and ~x1 ~ are equal because all of their ~ evaluations under ~s2 are the ~ same. (You can disable ~s3 to ~ avoid this. See :doc ~s3 for more ~ details.)~|~%" (untranslate lhs nil world) (untranslate rhs nil world) 'eval-bdd 'equal-by-eval-bdds) hint)))))))))))))