Release notes for the ACL2 Community Books for ACL2 7.0 (January
The following is a brief summary of changes made to the community-books between the releases of ACL2 6.5 and 7.0.
The acl2-books
Wiki page on Release Version Numbers gives the Git/SVN revision numbers
corresponding to releases. See also note-7-0 for the changes made to
ACL2 itself. For additional details, you may also see the raw commit log.
Organizational, Build System, and Name Changes
Source Code Moved
The ACL2 Community Books and ACL2 System source code repositories have been
merged into one repository and are now available at
See the file found there for more details. See also the
git-quick-start guide if you are interested in contributing.
Deleted Stubs
When we move a book, we often add a stub book in its previous
location to help you transition your include-book commands. The build system prints warnings when a stub book is being
Stub books have a lifespan of one release. The following books were stubs
in ACL2 6.5, so we've deleted them.
Previous Location New Location
str/* std/strings/*
xdoc/portcullis std/portcullis
std/osets/portcullis std/portcullis
std/bitsets/portcullis std/portcullis
std/strings/portcullis std/portcullis
coi/osets/instance std/osets/instance
coi/osets/computed-hints std/osets/computed-hints
centaur/bitops/sign-extend centaur/bitops/fast-logext
Build System Changes
The arithmetic-2 library is no longer built by default when running an
ordinary make. All books that previously depended on arithmetic-2
have been transitioned to use arithmetic-3 instead. If your own work
depends on arithmetic-2, you can still build these books, e.g., by running
make arithmetic-2 in the books directory.
Many minor tweaks and cleanups have been made to the build system
- now has better support for provisional-certification.
- The build::cert_param mechanism, which is used by to indicate that books have special requirements, is now
- New cert_param directives have been added to avoid certifying certain
books on incompatible Lisps.
- now better avoids overflowing the maximum number of
arguments to shell commands on some platforms when certifying large numbers of
- The new :ignore-certs feature of include-book is now used in
special two-pass books like std/strings/defs-program.lisp, and should help
to make building these books more reliable.
- Hundreds of old Makefiles from the books-certification-classic era
have been eliminated. Some obsolete GCL-specific directives have also been
- Installing quicklisp now works from behind a proxy. See Using a
Proxy in books-certification for details.
- The implementation of ``make everything'' has been cleaned up. In
particular, it no longer sets USE_QUICKLISP=1 since this is not
appropriate for some Lisps.
- The make clean command now does a better job of cleaning up generated
Numerous books have been patched up for better portability across Lisps and
integration with ACL2(p). For instance: In many cases, previous calls of without-waterfall-parallelism are no longer necessary, largely due to
thread-safe memoization; several oslib functions have been extended to
work on additional Lisps; many books with raw Lisp code now use include-raw for more portable compilation behavior across Lisps.
Various other utilities have been made more reliable.
- For Emacs TAGS users, the script has been improved to
permit whitespace before definitions.
- For ACL2 packaging mechanisms, the fix-cert utility has been improved
and now includes scripts for moving ACL2 distributions.
Supporting scripts for the Jenkins
continuous integration server can now be found in the build/jenkins
directory. These scripts have received significant attention and can now
support multi-configuration builds for checking ACL2 books compatibility with
many host Lisps.
Name Conflict Resolution
Progress has been made toward resolving name clashes in order to be able to
include more books together. This work involves renaming certain lemmas and
may require updates to your books.
- floor-mod-elim no longer forces its hypothesis.
- floor-=-x/y now has additional corollaries.
- floor-mod-elim no longer forces its hypothesis.
- floor-=-x/y now has additional corollaries.
- justify-floor-recursion has been renamed to floor-recursion.
- cancel-floor-+ has been renamed to cancel-floor-+-basic.
- cancel-mod-+ has been renamed to cancel-mod-+-basic.
- rationalp-mod no longer requires (rationalp x).
- Many coi/osets books are now just small wrappers around std/osets
- COI's double-containment rule has been renamed to
Licensing Changes
Robert Krug's arithmetic-3 library of is now available under a
BSD-3-Clause style license instead of the GNU General Public License.
Several books contributed by David Rager, which were formerly released under
the GNU General Public License or a BSD-3-Clause style license, are now instead
released under a (more permissive) MIT/X11-style license.
Several books contributed by Oracle, which were formerly released under the
GNU General Public License, are now instead released under an MIT/X11-style
The ubdds library and a few "miscellaneous" books have also been
transitioned from the GNU General Public License to a 3-clause BSD style
Several books in the coi library, which previously lacked explicit
license information, now have explicit MIT/X11-style licenses.
New Libraries and Documentation
The ACL2+Books manual has a great deal of new and improved content and many
topics have been reorganized to provide a more coherent hierarchy. Notably,
all documentation in the legacy defdoc format has been rewritten into
the xdoc format. Some highlights:
- The ihs documentation has been considerably updated.
- The defsort macro is now documented.
- The sneaky documentation has been considerably expanded.
- Topics like lists, strings, alists, etc., now
group together some related programming functions.
The ACL2 Sidekick is an experimental and very preliminary graphical
add-on to ACL2. It currently features a session viewer, theory linter, a
horribly primitive interface to the proof-builder, and a slick
Lookup feature that can show you documentation and other information
about various symbols.
The new system/toothbrush directory provides a way to create
applications with ACL2 that have a much smaller memory footprint than an
ordinary ACL2 save-exec image. See the README file in this
directory for more information.
The new depgraph::depgraph library now contains a few algorithms for
working with dependency graphs. It provides depgraph::toposort, a
topological sort, depgraph::invert, an edge-inversion algorithm, and
depgraph::transdeps, which can compute the transitive dependencies for a
set of nodes. This functionality was formerly part of vl but has now
been made more general and extracted.
The new projects/codewalker/ directory contains Codewalker, a utility
for exploring code in any programming language specified by an ACL2 model to
discover certain properties of the code. Demos of Codewalker are also in that
The new directory projects/hybrid-systems/ is a
specification/verification project by Shant Harutuntian using ACL2(r) (see
real), in support of his 2007 Ph.D. dissertation, with a few recent
updates (because of ACL2 changes) made by Cuong Chau.
There are also several new small tools and books.
- (CCL Only) The new spacewalk tool can be used to get a report about
heap memory usage. It may be useful for identifying unusually large functions
and constants in your ACL2 session.
- The new simp tool can be used to ask ACL2 to simplify terms under
certain hypotheses.
- The new tool misc/check-fn-inst can be used to check the constraints
to a functional instantiation.
- The new tool, def-saved-obligs, can be used to save proof
obligations for an event as independent defthms.
- The new tool, system/dead-source-code.lisp, may be useful
for finding dead code in the ACL2 sources.
- The new books system/cantor-pairing-bijective.lisp and
system/hl-nat-combine-onto.lisp contain proofs of bijectivity and
surjectivity (one-one/onto and onto, respectively) of cantor-pairing
Changes to Major Libraries
XDOC Changes
The web-based XDOC viewer has been improved. It now uses newer versions of
the JQuery and Typeahead libraries. Some bugs with the typeahead (jump to) box
have been fixed and it has been extended to show more results. The jump-to box
has been extended with a Alt+/ hotkey (or perhaps some other key
combination like Ctrl+/, depending on your browser). Middle clicking on
XDOC links should now properly open them in new tabs and the fonts have been
updated. Some ugly quotes are now replaced by ``smart'' replacements.
Significant work has been done to try to make XDOC content accessible to
search engines such as Google. A new PHP script largely replaces previous
failed efforts to generate "static" HTML files, site maps, and so forth.
XDOC now supports "resource directories" for incorporating images, PDF
files, and other kinds of resources. See xdoc::add-resource-directory
for details.
XDOC now features xdoc::katex-integration for writing LaTeX-like
formulas like \left( \sum_{i=0}^{n} \sqrt{f(i)} \right) <
\frac{n^2}{k} within your documentation. Note that ACL2's new fancy-string-reader can be used to make escaping simpler, and this may be
especially useful when trying to write LaTeX-like formulas, where the escaping
of \ characters can be irritating.
There are also many other minor changes:
- The defpointer macro has been integrated into XDOC itself. (It was
formerly only part of the ACL2 system documentation.)
- defsection and define now permit plain strings to be included
among the list of events. These strings are incorporated into the resulting
documentation as running commentary.
- The defxdoc, defsection, and define macros now all
evaluate the arguments to :short and :long instead of quoting them.
This may make it more convenient to write macros that produce documentation
from boilerplate templates, e.g., you can now directly write things like
:short (cat ...).
- Tweaked defsection so that you can give :extension (foo)
instead of just :extension foo.
- Better error handling on xdoc-extend and xdoc::xdoc-prepend.
std Library Changes
Added tuplep and impossible.
Cleaned up rules about take in std/lists/take.
replicate is now an alias for repeat and is compatible with
the definition of repeat in the COI libraries, fixing a longstanding
The all-equalp function has been added.
Several lemmas about intersection$, intersectp, and set-difference$ have been extracted from vl and moved into
std/lists. See for instance std/lists/intersection$,
std/lists/intersectp, and std/lists/set-difference.
The b* binders for std::defaggregates now also bind the
variable, fixing a longstanding issue. Also, the syntax ((prodname name))
is now permitted as an abbreviation for ((prodname name) name). (This is
often useful when destructuring a function's arguments).
The b* binders for std::defaggregate (and also fty::defprod) are now extensible and can translate bindings like
into calls of user-defined functions. See the description of Extra Binder
Names in the documentation of std::defaggregate for details.
The std::deflist, std::defalist, std::defprojection,
and std::defmapappend macros are now "pluggable" and can be extended
with additional theorems; see for instance the new book
The new books std/util/deflist-base and std/util/defalist-base
offer lighter-weight alternative to std/util/deflist and
The defrule book now has fewer dependencies.
Documentation for std::deflist has been improved. Deflist now
uses define so that you get a signature block in the resulting
documentation. The documentation for automatically generated deflist events is
now put in a more sensible order and split off into a foolistp-basics
section underneath of foolistp, to reduce the prominence of this
"boilerplate" documentation. Deflist can now also create documentation even
in the already-definedp case.
Fixed an obscure bug with define's return-specifiers that could
affect non-executable functions that involve stobjs.
The define macro now interprets :inline nil as "make this a
$notinline function" instead of
"make this a regular function instead of an inline one."
The define, defines, and also the fty::deffixequiv
macros now have improved, more advanced default hints set for inductive proofs
in return specs and deffixequiv(-mutual) forms.
Certification time has been improved.
The fast-cat book (see str::cat) now uses include-raw to
avoid possible issues on various Lisps.
Added read-file-as-string function.
There are some new functions: fal-find-any and fal-all-boundp.
Moved worth-hashing into std/alists from
Move cons-listp and cons-list-listp out of VL and into
Defdata (Data Definition Framework)
Defdata has undergone significant improvements. Automated theorem
proving support has been increased by a tight integration with Tau-system. A significant new capability is the support for parametric
polymorphism via sig rules. There have been many improvements in its
engineering too.
Tau Integration
Defdata analyzes the predicate definition of every new type and, if
possible, produces a set of Tau rules that completely characterize
the type. Defdata thus provides the following guarantee: If Tau is
complete over the type reasoning theory, then adding a type to the
current theory via defdata preserves completeness.
Parametric Polymorphism
Defdata provides a new macro sig which can be used to define
signatures of polymorphic functions
such as append, remove1, put-assoc etc:
(sig append ((listof :a) (listof :a)) => (listof :a))
(sig remove1-equal (all (listof :a)) => (listof :a))
(sig put-assoc-equal (:a :b (alistof :a :b)) => (alistof :a :b))
Defdata automatically instantiates these generic theorems
(type signatures) for previously defined types and as new types are defined
after the sig forms. Defdata, thus implements parametric polymorphism, by
providing the following invariants:
- Every new defdata type is instantiated for every polymorphic
signature (specified via sig) that matches (one of its argument
- Every new polymorphic signature is appropriately instantiated for
all defdata types of the right shape in the current world.
Dependent type hypotheses are supported by sig -- e.g. the
polymorphic signature of nth is specified as follows.
(sig nth (nat (listof :a)) => :a
:satisfies (< x1 (len x2)))
Other Theory Reasoning
Theory support for Records (structs) and Maps has been tuned to be more
robust. Destructor Elimination is now available for records.
Advanced Usage
Defdata has been re-engineered to have a plug-in like
architecture. The following macros provide ways to extend the Defdata
language and its semantics.
- register-type -- Register a name as a defdata type (with its associated metadata).
- register-data-constructor -- Register a data constructor (for product types).
- register-user-combinator -- Add user-defined syntactic sugar to the defdata language.
e.g. alistof was added with minimal coding overhead using this facility (See defdata/alistof.lisp).
- defdata-attach -- Replaces/subsumes) defdata-testing; it can be used to change or add defdata type metadata.
The interface to defsort has been extended, and it can now reuse
existing list recognizers.
Defsort can now (optionally) prove that the new sorting function is
equivalent to an insertion sort.
Defsort now allows extra arguments, e.g., to parameterize the sort.
The include-raw utility has been made more robust. It now checks the
write-date of compiled files, to avoid including stale files.
The utilities profile-ACL2 and profile-all now work in the
ACL2 loop, and are documented.
The watch utility works again. Thanks to Bob Boyer for providing
fixes. To use this utility:
(include-book "centaur/memoize/old/watch" :dir :system :ttags :all)
; Now in Emacs, bring into a buffer the file reported by (watch), whose
; name is of the form watch-output-temp-n.lsp. Then execute ACL2 forms.
The untranslate-patterns tool is now compatible with define's
untranslate-preprocess hook.
OSLIB has been reorganized to try to make it somewhat more coherent. Most
files in oslib are now split up into, e.g., argv-logic.lisp (no raw code or
ttags) and argv.lisp (actual implementation).
OSLIB has new functions including oslib::dirname, oslib::basename, oslib::copy, and oslib::catpaths.
The oslib::ls, oslib::ls-files, and oslib::ls-subdirs
functions have been improved to return better error information, and made more
portable across Lisps.
The book tau/bounders/elementary-bounders has been improved by adding
guards, thanks to Dmitry Nadezhin.
Changes to Centaur Libraries
The new bitops::bitops/part-install macro can be used to set particular bits of an
integer to a value. It is somewhat similar to utilities like wrb from
the IHS library, but its interface is perhaps more intuitive.
The new bitops::bitops/fast-rotate macros provide optimized versions of rotate-left and rotate-right.
The new bitops::bitops/logbitp-bounds book provides a few lemmas relating
logbitp to expt.
The std::deflist and fty::deflist books are now integrated, so
that fty::deflist can provide the ordinary std::deflist theorems.
The fty::deflist and fty::defalist macros now provide at least append theorems by default.
The documentation-generating macros have been enhanced.
The fty::deftypes macro now uses more aggressive theory management to
speed up certification, and also has more comprehensive error checking.
The fty::deffixtype macro has better error checking.
The cases macros introduced by fty::deftypes now support an
:otherwise case.
The fty::deftypes make- macros now disallow duplicated
The fty::deflist and fty::defalist macros can now tolerate
already-defined predicates.
The fty::basetypes book has been filled out a bit, e.g., it now includes
By default, fty::deffixtype now verifies the guards on the equivalence
relations it introduces.
Quicklisp can now read proxy information from the HTTP_PROXY_WITH_PORT
environment variable. See also the "Using a proxy" page in books-certification. BOZO move that into Quicklisp? Blah, all this stuff
always ends up duplicated everywhere.
Quicklisp now includes books for loading the uiop library and a more
sensible cl-fad book. These libraries may be useful for doing file system
things. The CCL-only restrictions on bordeaux-threads and
hunchentoot have been dropped since these libraries seem to be working
fine on modern SBCL distributions. A book for the html-template library
has also been added.
The Quicklisp build should be more robust. It now checks for existing
Quicklisp installations and produce a sensible error message instead of dying
The getopt library now has a basic test suite.
The centaur/misc/sharedlibs code for relocating shared libraries has
been extended with a test/demo script. The sharedlibs functions no longer
cause errors when used on non-CCL Lisps (they simply print a message,
The template-subst tool has been expanded with some additional
The profile-all and profile-ACL2 functions can now be used
from within the ACL2 loop instead of only from raw Lisp.
The flag::def-doublevar-induction macro has been extended and improved.
For esim, there is a new tool for stv decomposition theorems,
oracle/stv-decomp-theory-expander.lisp, and a demo of using this tool in
centaur/regression/composed-stv.lisp. The documentation tables for STVs
should now look nicer in the printer-friendly xdoc view.
In the 4v library, there are a few new *sexpr-rewrites*.
Minor bug-fix to avoid complaint in an aignet bind-free
Added satlink::gather-benchmarks, a plugin for collecting DIMACS
files that SATLINK sends to the SAT solver. You could use this to gather
benchmarks for evaluating SAT solvers or for the SAT solving competitions.
In gl, fixed a bug in trace-gl-interp.
VL Changes
VL has undergone significant extensions and changes, mostly toward extending
VL to support a subset of SystemVerilog. VL is intended to also still support
Verilog-2005, and in many cases its Verilog-2005 support has been improved as
new SystemVerilog features have been implemented. Some highlights:
- VL now has a more extensive "systest" suite for checking its work against
NCVerilog and VCS, and a preliminary "failtest" suite for ensuring that
certain modules with bad constructs are properly rejected.
- Added parsing support for many constructs such as interfaces, packages,
generate statements, structs, unpacked arrays, etc. The parser functions now
pass around a "parse state" object and generates warnings in a more coherent
way. This results in certain speedups to its certification and allows for
distinguishing the names of data types from other identifiers, which is
necessary for parsing certain constructs.
- More comprehensive parameter support. This involved reworking
unparameterization to handle SystemVerilog data types, and adding support for
richer expressions in wire ranges, etc., by reworking how constant expressions
are evaluated to handle many more operators and operands of mixed sizes/types.
Generate statements are also now supported to some degree.
- Added support for fancier ports, e.g., ports with data types, module
instances with .name and .* style connections, and interface
- Added support for combinational user-defined primitives, and at least basic
parsing support for sequential UDPs.
- Added some support for SystemVerilog packages and imports. A new
"scopestack" abstraction is now widely used to provide more comprehensive
handling of nested scopes (e.g., named begin/end blocks), packages, etc. There
is now some support for functions defined at the global scope.
- Sizing has been extended to handle unpacked arrays. The sizing code has
been reorganized to be more modular, and extended to handle additional
- Miscellaneous improvements. The pretty-printer has been extended to handle
the new SystemVerilog constructs, ansi-style ports, etc. Some transforms are
more configurable, e.g., gate elimination can easily use alternate replacements
for gate instances. There is better support for case statements,
especially in always_comb blocks. Various operators are now supported to
various degrees, e.g., ++, casting operators, $bits, streaming
concatenations. The preprocessor now supports `define macros with
arguments. The hierarchy tools have been greatly simplified.
- Numerous organizational changes, bug fixes, and updates to existing tools
and transforms to keep things working.
Besides these improvements to the core library, there have been various
user interface improvements. For instance, the vl::vl-server has been
entirely rewritten and is now included in the vl::kit; it allows you to
view Verilog modules in a web browser. The loader has been made more
user-friendly and more gracefully handles search paths, errors, etc. The
vl::vl-linter has been tweaked to provide better output and to run more