Notes about changes to vl and esim in ACL2 Version
VL Fork
There have been many changes to vl and esim. Most notably,
VL has been forked into two versions.
- vl2014 is a ``stable'' fork of VL.
- It lives in a new directory: books/centaur/vl2014
- It uses the VL2014 package.
- It continues to work with esim and other, older tools.
- It is no longer under active development by Centaur.
- vl continues as the ``development'' version of VL.
- It continues to live in: books/centaur/vl.
- It continues to use the VL package.
- It no longer supports esim.
- It remains under active development.
- It targets a new backend (instead of esim) which is still under development.
- It may be rather unstable and not yet particularly usable.
The new vl code base is in many cases significantly different than
vl2014. It features a new, more strongly typed expression
representation, generally better abstractions for working with
scopes/hierarchy and types, and new approaches to elaboration and sizing that
can handle much more of SystemVerilog. More information on the motives and
consequences of this split can be found in the documentation for vl2014.
Largely in support of this fork, many books have been reorganized. Many
books that are specific to the VL/ESIM flow have been moved into the ESIM
centaur/vl/top.lisp --> centaur/vl/defmodules.lisp (with a stub)
centaur/vl/defmodules.lisp --> centaur/esim/defmodules.lisp
centaur/vl/translation.lisp --> centaur/esim/translation.lisp
centaur/vl/toe --> centaur/esim/vltoe (filenames have been unsmurfed)
centaur/vl/util/esim-lemmas.lisp --> centaur/esim/vltoe
centaur/vl/transforms/occform/* --> centaur/esim/occform
Various other files have also been moved into ESIM:
centaur/tutorial --> centaur/esim/tutorial
centaur/vcd --> centaur/esim/vcd
centaur/regression --> centaur/esim/tests
Many other minor file-name changes have been made to help improve the
organization of the code base.
The various VL flows are also now better separated. For
- The ESIM flow no longer performs certain linter checks that are better
handled by VL-Lint. For instance, it no longer generates a classic
use-set-report since the new Lucid reporting is much better.
- The vl model command (based on the ESIM flow) is no longer used in
the module browser. Instead, the module browser now reads .vlzip files
that are produced by the vl zip command, which is independent of
Extended Support for Verilog/SystemVeriog
The new VL (and in some cases VL2014) now have better support for at least
the following Verilog/SystemVerilog features:
- .* connections that involve interface ports,
- return statements in functions,
- inside expressions like a inside {b, c, [d:e]},
- generate constructs,
- System functions like $bits and $clog2,
- Unpacked dimensions in various contexts,
- Matched end : foo style endings on blocks,
- Declarations on unnamed blocks,
- Typedefs with a single unpacked dimension, i.e., typedef ... foo_t [3],
- Ports whose expressions involve parameters,
- Scope expressions and other complex hierarchical expressions,
- Module level begin/end blocks (not in the spec but supported by simulators),
- Package imports in block statements, functions, and tasks,
- Certain complex assignment patterns,
- The `", `\`\", and `` escapes in `define macros,
- Certain macro invocations in `include/`ifdef forms,
The loader works harder to attach parse-time warnings to the appropriate
The new vl::lucid check is a far more capable check for unused,
unset, and multiply driven wires, with proper understanding of SystemVerilog
scoping. The old use-set and multidrive warnings have been retired.
Heuristic improvements have been made to leftright checking,
extension/fussy size warnings for '1/'0/..., and duplicate instance
checking involving interfaces and portless modules. Extension warning
heuristics are also now attachable.
Improved the warning messages for zero-sized replications, overflowing
integer literals, and generally for warnings where expressions involve
parameters after unparameterization.
Portcheck now warns about stylistically undesirable ports such as
There is now a basic suite of system-level tests directed at the linter;
see the linttest directory. These tests have shed light on many minor
linter bugs.