An extension of *ACL2-exports* that includes the names of many system-level ACL2 functions.
It is common practice to import all symbols from *ACL2-exports* into one's package; see defpkg. However, those who
write ACL2 system-level programming utilities may prefer to import the symbols
from the list
NOTE To ensure that
(include-book "system/acl2-system-exports" :dir :system)
Here are the symbols added to
(*0* *nil* *t* *ts-nil* *ts-t* alist-to-doublets all-calls all-ffn-symbs all-ffn-symbs-lst arglistp binary-logand binary-logior binary-logxor body conjoin cons-count-bounded cons-term cons-term* defined-constant defun-mode disjoin disjoin2 dumb-negate-lit enabled-numep enabled-runep fargn fargs fcons-term fcons-term* fdefun-mode ffn-symb ffn-symb-p ffnnamep ffnnamep-lst find-rules-of-rune flambda-applicationp flambdap fn-symb formals fquotep fsubcor-var genvar get-brr-local get-event get-skipped-proofs-p implicate lambda-applicationp lambda-body lambda-formals logicp loop-stopper make-lambda mbe1 merge-sort-lexorder merge-sort-term-order merge-term-order non-linear-arithmetic normalize nvariablep pos-listp prettyify-clause programp proof-builder recursivep rw-cache-state safe-mode stobjp stobjs-in stobjs-out subcor-var sublis-var subst-expr subst-var symbol-class tag-tree trans-eval translate translate-cmp translate1 translate1-cmp translate11 ts= type-alistp type-set variablep waterfall)