Process the
(defun parteval-process-thm-name (thm-name old$ new-name$ ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp old$) (symbolp new-name$)))) (let ((__function__ 'parteval-process-thm-name)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((er &) (ensure-value-is-symbol$ thm-name "The :THM-NAME input" t nil)) (name (if (eq thm-name :auto) (make-paired-name old$ new-name$ 2 (w state)) thm-name)) (description (msg "The name ~x0 of the theorem ~ that relates the target function ~x1 ~ to the new function ~x2, ~ ~@3," name old$ new-name$ (if (eq thm-name :auto) "automatically generated ~ since the :THM-NAME input ~ is (perhaps by default) :AUTO" "supplied as the :THM-NAME input"))) ((er &) (ensure-symbol-new-event-name$ name description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-symbol-different$ name new-name$ (msg "the name ~x0 of the new function ~ (determined by the :NEW-NAME input)." new-name$) description t nil))) (value name))))