Process the
(process-input-new-name new-name old names-to-avoid ctx state) → (mv erp result state)
The APT transformations that use this utility have
(defun process-input-new-name (new-name old names-to-avoid ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (symbolp old) (symbol-listp names-to-avoid)))) (let ((__function__ 'process-input-new-name)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* ((wrld (w state)) ((er &) (ensure-value-is-symbol$ new-name "The :NEW-NAME input" t nil)) ((mv numbered-name-p base index) (check-numbered-name old wrld)) ((mv base index) (if numbered-name-p (mv base index) (mv old 0)))) (if (eq new-name :auto) (b* (((mv new-name names-to-avoid) (next-fresh-numbered-name base (1+ index) names-to-avoid wrld))) (value (list new-name names-to-avoid))) (b* ((msg/nil (fresh-namep-msg-weak new-name 'function wrld)) ((when msg/nil) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The name ~x0 specified by :NEW-NAME ~ is already in use. ~@1" new-name msg/nil)) ((when (member-eq new-name names-to-avoid)) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "The name ~x0 specified by :NEW-NAME ~ must be distinct form the names ~&1 ~ that are also being generated." new-name names-to-avoid))) (value (list new-name (cons new-name names-to-avoid))))))))