Process the
(solve-process-solution-body solution-body solution-body? method x1...xn f-existsp ctx state) → (mv erp nothing state)
(defun solve-process-solution-body (solution-body solution-body? method x1...xn f-existsp ctx state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (booleanp solution-body?) (keywordp method) (symbol-listp x1...xn) (booleanp f-existsp)))) (let ((__function__ 'solve-process-solution-body)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (if (eq method :manual) (if f-existsp (if solution-body? (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Since the :SOLUTION-NAME input ~ specifies an existing function, ~ the :SOLUTION-BODY input must be absent, ~ but instead ~x0 has been supplied.") (value nil)) (if (not solution-body?) (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Since the :METHOD input is :MANUAL ~ and the :SOLUTION-NAME input specifies ~ the name of a function to be generated, ~ the :SOLUTION-BODY input must be supplied.") (b* (((er (list term stobjs-out)) (ensure-value-is-untranslated-term$ solution-body "The :SOLUTION-BODY input" t nil)) (description (msg "The :SOLUTION-BODY term ~x0" solution-body)) ((er &) (ensure-function/lambda/term-number-of-results$ stobjs-out 1 description t nil)) ((er &) (ensure-term-free-vars-subset$ term x1...xn description t nil))) (value nil)))) (if solution-body? (er-soft+ ctx t nil "Since the :METHOD input is not :MANUAL, ~ the :SOLUTION-BODY input must be absent, ~ but instead ~x0 has been supplied." solution-body) (value nil)))))