ATC tutorial: ACL2 representation of C local variables.
So far this tutorial has shown ACL2 representations of C functions that operate on their parameters. This tutorial page explains how to represent C functions that introduce and operate on local variables.
A C local variable declaration is represented by an ACL2 let where the term to which the variable is bound is wrapped with declar to indicate a variable declaration. For examples, the ACL2 function
(defun |f| (|x| |y|) (declare (xargs :guard (and (c::sintp |x|) (c::sintp |y|)) :guard-hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable c::declar))))) (let ((|z| (c::declar (c::lt-sint-sint |x| |y|)))) (c::lognot-sint |z|)))
represents the C function
int f(int x, int y) { int z = x < y; return !z; }
The let must bind a single variable,
which must be distinct from the function's parameters
and from any other let variable in scope
(the latter restriction is an over-approximation,
that is adequate to this tutorial page
but is refined in subsequent tutorial pages).
That is, it must be a new variable.
Its name must satisfy the constraints
described in atc-tutorial-identifiers.
The type of the local variable,
This is not limited to a single let. There may be nested lets, which represent local variables in a sequence. For instance, the ACL2 function
(defun |g| (|x| |y|) (declare (xargs :guard (and (c::sintp |x|) (c::sintp |y|)) :guard-hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable c::declar))))) (let ((|x_lt_y| (c::declar (c::lt-sint-sint |x| |y|)))) (let ((|x_eq_y| (c::declar (c::eq-sint-sint |x| |y|)))) (let ((|x_le_y| (c::declar (c::bitior-sint-sint |x_lt_y| |x_eq_y|)))) (c::lognot-sint |x_le_y|)))))
represents the C function
int g(int x, int y) { int x_lt_y = x < y; int x_eq_y = x == y; int x_le_y = x_lt_y || x_eq_y; return !x_le_y; }
The C function above is equivalently represented by the ACL2 function
(defun |g| (|x| |y|) (declare (xargs :guard (and (c::sintp |x|) (c::sintp |y|)) :guard-hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable c::declar))))) (let* ((|x_lt_y| (c::declar (c::lt-sint-sint |x| |y|))) (|x_eq_y| (c::declar (c::eq-sint-sint |x| |y|))) (|x_le_y| (c::declar (c::bitior-sint-sint |x_lt_y| |x_eq_y|)))) (c::lognot-sint |x_le_y|)))
This form may be more readable: the variables are not indented, but they are at the same visual level, like the corresponding C variables. Internally, let* expands into nested lets; ATC examines ACL2 function bodies in translated form, where macros like let* are expanded.
Since let bindings in ACL2 always bind some term to the variable, only C variable declarations with initializers may be represented. This may be relaxed in the future, as C allows uninitialized local variables; for instance, these could be represented as let bindings that bind variables to terms that do not return C values.
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