ATJ tutorial: Native Java Implementations of ACL2 Functions.
The ACL2 primitive functions have no definition.
Thus, they cannot be translated to Java
in the same way as functions with defining bodies can. AIJ provides native Java implementations
of the ACL2 primitive functions,
i.e. implementations of the ACL2 primitive functions
written directly in Java.
(Here `native' is with respect to ACL2, not Java;
it has nothing to do with JNI.)
These native implementations are used in both the deep and shallow embedding approaches.
This tutorial page may be skipped at first reading.
Accessing the Native Implementations
These native implementations are run via
the public static methods Acl2NativeFunction.exec...(...);
this class is part of AIJ's representation of ACL2 terms. For instance, Acl2NativeFunction.execStringp(Acl2Value)
natively implements stringp.
Some of these methods have overloaded variants
with different argument types,
e.g. Acl2NativeFunction.execCharCode(Acl2Character);
they also have non-overloaded variants with different result types,
e.g. Acl2NativeFunction.execStringpBoolean(Acl2Value).
Their purpose is explained elsewhere.
For now, just consider the methods
with all Acl2Value arguments and results.
Scope of the Native Implementations
Besides native implementations of the ACL2 primitive functions,
there are also native implementations of other built-in ACL2 functions,
e.g. Acl2NativeFunction.execStringAppend(Acl2Value, Acl2Value)
for string-append.
The main motivation is efficiency:
a native Java implementation can be faster than
mimicking ACL2's execution (in either the deep or shallow embedding).
In fact, this is also why some built-in ACL2 functions have raw Lisp code,
i.e. native Lisp implementations (see atj-tutorial-background).
Another motivation is to avoid circularities
that exist in the ACL2 definitions
unless the raw Lisp code is taken into account;
an example circularity, involving concatenate,
is described in atj-tutorial-background.
More native Java implementations can be added to AIJ as needed;
it could be argued that all the ACL2 functions with raw Lisp code
should be implemented natively in Java in AIJ, for ``symmetry''.
The only drawback, besides the effort to do that,
is a weakening of the assurance argument;
however, for true assurance,
the primitive function implementations will have to be formally verified,
and if the machinery to do that is in place,
formally verifying the non-primitive function implementations
may not entail significantly more effort,
or at least not ``superlinear'' effort.
Implementation Approach
Generally, AIJ's native Java implementations of ACL2 functions
are realized by methods in Acl2Value and its subclasses,
called by the Acl2NativeFunction.exec...(...) methods.
This takes advantage of Java's dynamic dispatch
to avoid checking types at run time.
For example, to implement stringp,
the Acl2Value.stringp() method returns
(the Java representation of) nil;
this default implementation is inherited
by all the Acl2Value subclasses except Acl2String,
which overrides it to return t instead.
invokes stringp() on its argument:
this selects, in constant time (via Java's dynamic dispatch),
either the default implementation or the overriding one,
based on the run-time type type of the argument Acl2Value.
As another example, to implement char-code,
the Acl2Value.charCode() method returns 0,
because this function's completion axiom says that
this function returns 0 on non-characters;
this default implementation is inherited
by all the Acl2Value subclasses except for Acl2Character,
which overrides it to return the character's code instead.
invokes charCode() on its argument:
this selects, in constant time (via Java's dynamic dispatch),
either the default implementation or the overriding one,
based on the run-time type of the argument Acl2Value.
The ACL2 primitive functions for arithmetic (e.g. binary-+)
are implemented by methods in Acl2Value and subclasses
that exhibit interesting patterns of dynamic dispatch
and interplay among the methods for different operations;
see AIJ's code and Javadoc for details.
Another Possible Implementation Approach
Instead of taking advantage of dynamic dispatch,
an alternative implementation strategy could use
run-time type checks and casts.
For example, Acl2NativeFunction.execStringp(Acl2Value)
could test whether the argument is an instance of Acl2String,
and return t or nil accordingly.
As another example, Acl2NativeFunction.execCharCode(Acl2Value)
could test whether the argument is an instance of Acl2Character,
and return the character's code or 0 accordingly.
It is not clear which approach is more efficient
(dynamic dispatch or type checks/casts):
on the one hand, it seems that dynamic dispatch should be more efficient;
on the other hand, since type checks/casts are relatively frequent in Java,
they are presumably realized efficiently in Java implementations.
In any case, the dynamic dispatch approach looks elegant
and is appropriate to Java's object-oriented paradigm.
Previous: Java Representation of the ACL2 Environment
Next: ACL2 Evaluator Written in Java