Turning a hierarchical SVEX design into a finite state machine.
The function svex-design-compile extracts a finite state
machine representation from a hierarchical SVEX design. See also defsvtv, defsvtv$, and defcycle, which all perform this process
and subsequently perform some amount of unrolling of the resulting finite state
machine in order to produce either a pipeline representation (defsvtv
and defsvtv$) or a cycle FSM (defcycle).
We follow these steps to turn an svex module hierarchy into a finite-state
machine representation:
- Enumerate wires. We walk over each module and count the wires contained in
it and all its submodules. We store this information in a module database (see
moddb), which allows us to both look up a hierarchical names and get
their wire indices or vice versa.
- Translate the module hierarchy's assignments and aliases by replacing wire
names with indices (see modalist-named->indexed).
- Flatten the assignments, aliases, and stateholding elements
(see svex-mod->flatten).
- Use the flattened aliases to compute a canonical alias table, mapping every
wire to a canonical representation (see canonicalize-alias-pairs).
- Canonicalize the wires in the flattened assignment list and
stateholding elements using the alias table (see assigns-subst).
- Convert the lists of assignments and stateholding elements, which may
have arbitrary LHS expressions as the left-hand sides, into a list of
assignments to variables. This involves segmenting each assignment into
separate assignments to its individual LHS components (see assigns->segment-drivers),
and then for wires that have multiple assignments, resolving these together to
obtain a single RHS (see segment-driver-map-resolve).
- Compose assignments together to obtain the full 0-delay formulas for each
canonical wire and full update functions for each state bit; that is, formulas
in terms of primary inputs and previous states (see svex-assigns-compose).
- Alias-normalization
- The process of computing a canonical form for each wire in the module hierarchy.
- Svex-design-flatten-and-normalize
- Flatten a hierarchical SV design and apply alias normalization to it.
- Svex-design-compile
- Compile a hierarchical SVEX design into a finite state machine.
- Svex-composition
- The process of composing together a netlist of svex assignments into
full update functions.
- Compile.lisp
- Assign->segment-drivers
- From an assignment to an LHS, accumulate the segment-drivers for each variable mentioned.
- Segment-driver-map-resolve
- Given an alist mapping each driven variable to its list of segment
drivers, resolve this to an svex-alist mapping each variable to its full
- Assigns->segment-drivers
- For a list of assignments of driving expressions to LHSes, produce an
alist mapping each variable from the LHSes to the full list of segment drivers
for that variable.