Information about the kinds of items in each scope.
Note that this is only for items, i.e., it's not for definitions, ports, packages, etc.
(defconst *vl-scopes->items* '((interface (:import) paramdecl vardecl modport) (module (:import) paramdecl vardecl fundecl taskdecl (modinst :name instname :maybe-stringp t) (gateinst :maybe-stringp t) (genelement :name blockname :maybe-stringp t :sum-type t :acc generates) (interfaceport :acc ifports)) (genblob (:import) vardecl paramdecl fundecl taskdecl typedef (modinst :name instname :maybe-stringp t) (gateinst :maybe-stringp t) (genelement :name blockname :maybe-stringp t :sum-type t :acc generates) (interfaceport :acc ifports)) (blockscope (:import) vardecl paramdecl) (design (:import) paramdecl vardecl fundecl taskdecl typedef) (package (:import) paramdecl vardecl fundecl taskdecl typedef)))