Top-level interface to the preprocessor.
(vl-preprocess echars &key defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings (state 'state)) → (mv successp defines filemap iskips ifdefmap defmap bytes warnings new-echars state)
(defun vl-preprocess-fn (echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state) (declare (xargs :stobjs (state))) (declare (xargs :guard (and (vl-echarlist-p echars) (vl-defines-p defines) (vl-filemap-p filemap) (vl-loadconfig-p config) (vl-includeskips-p iskips) (natp bytes) (vl-dirlist-cache-p idcache) (vl-ifdef-use-map-p ifdefmap) (vl-def-use-map-p defmap) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)))) (let ((__function__ 'vl-preprocess)) (declare (ignorable __function__)) (b* (((local-stobjs ppst) (mv successp defines filemap iskips ifdefmap defmap bytes warnings new-echars ppst state)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-defines defines)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-filemap filemap)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-config config)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-activep t)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-iskips iskips)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-warnings warnings)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-idcache idcache)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-ifdefmap ifdefmap)) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-defmap defmap)) (- (or (equal (vl-loadconfig->include-dirs config) (alist-keys (vl-ppst->idcache))) (raise "idcache is screwed up: ~x0 versus ~x1" (vl-loadconfig->include-dirs config) (alist-keys (vl-ppst->idcache))))) (ppst (vl-ppst-update-bytes bytes)) ((mv successp remainder ppst state) (vl-preprocess-loop echars *vl-preprocess-clock* ppst state)) (defines (vl-ppst->defines)) (filemap (vl-ppst->filemap)) (iskips (vl-ppst->iskips)) (ifdefmap (vl-ppst->ifdefmap)) (defmap (vl-ppst->defmap)) (bytes (vl-ppst->bytes)) (warnings (vl-ppst->warnings)) ((when successp) (let ((ppst (vl-ppst-unsound-nreverse-acc ppst))) (mv successp defines filemap iskips ifdefmap defmap bytes warnings (vl-ppst->acc) ppst state)))) (mv (cw "[[ Previous ]]: ~s0~%~ [[ Remaining ]]: ~s1~%" (vl-echarlist->string (vl-safe-previous-n 50 (vl-ppst->acc))) (vl-echarlist->string (vl-safe-next-n 50 remainder))) defines filemap iskips ifdefmap defmap bytes warnings nil ppst state))))
(defthm booleanp-of-vl-preprocess.successp (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (booleanp successp)) :rule-classes :type-prescription)
(defthm vl-defines-p-of-vl-preprocess.defines (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (vl-defines-p defines)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-filemap-p-of-vl-preprocess.filemap (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (vl-filemap-p filemap)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-includeskips-p-of-vl-preprocess.iskips (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (vl-includeskips-p iskips)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-ifdef-use-map-p-of-vl-preprocess.ifdefmap (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (vl-ifdef-use-map-p ifdefmap)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm vl-def-use-map-p-of-vl-preprocess.defmap (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (vl-def-use-map-p defmap)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm natp-of-vl-preprocess.bytes (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (natp bytes)) :rule-classes :type-prescription)
(defthm vl-warninglist-p-of-vl-preprocess.warnings (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (vl-warninglist-p warnings)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (vl-echarlist-p new-echars)) :rule-classes :rewrite)
(defthm state-p1-of-vl-preprocess.state (implies (force (state-p1 state)) (b* (((mv ?successp acl2::?defines ?filemap ?iskips ?ifdefmap ?defmap ?bytes ?warnings ?new-echars acl2::?state) (vl-preprocess-fn echars defines filemap config iskips bytes idcache ifdefmap defmap warnings state))) (state-p1 state))) :rule-classes :rewrite)