Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 11:11:47 -0500 (CDT) From: "Jared C. Davis" Subject: ACL2 Meeting Update: Meeting Next Week Hi, There will now be a great ACL2 meeting on July 21 (one week from tomorrow), at the usual time and place. Ruben Gamboa will be in town, and he has agreed to speak about ACL2(r). He writes: "ACL2(r): The Story. ACL2(r) is a variant of ACL2 that has support for the real and complex irrational numbers. It is based on the foundation of non-standard analysis, also known as infinitesimal calculus. Non-standard analysis is an intuitive (but sometimes tricky) formalism for calculus, but to those who are familiar with real analysis, as in Dedekind, Cauchy, Weirestrass, and family, non-standard analysis seems a little strange. We'll begin this talk by giving a very, very quick overview of non-standard analysis, especially in the axiomatic formulation developed by Nelson. Then we'll give a brief overview of the features of ACL2(r) that support non-standard analysis. The bulk of the talk will be devoted to the correctness of ACL2(r). Following the lead of Matt and J's "Structured Theory" paper, we present a "story" of ACL2(r) that explains why ACL2(r) is sound. That is, we will show that every theorem of ACL2(r) is first-order derivable from the built-in theory of ACL2(r) and its extension by definitions." Hope to see you there, Jared