Major Section: THEORIES
Example: (enable fact (fact) associativity-of-app)where eachGeneral Form: (enable name1 name2 ... namek)
is a runic designator; see theories. The
result is the theory that contains all the names in the current
theory plus those listed. Note that this is merely a function that
returns a theory. The result is generally a very long list of runes
and you will probably regret printing it.The standard way to ``enable'' a fixed set of names, is as follows; see hints and see in-theory.
:in-theory (enable name1 name2 ... namek) ; in a hint (in-theory (enable name1 name2 ... namek)) ; as an event (local ; often desirable, to avoid exporting from the current context (in-theory (enable name1 name2 ... namek)))Note that all the names are implicitly quoted. If you wish to enable a computed list of names,
, use the theory expression
(union-theories (current-theory :here) lst)