functions that display or change history
Major Section: ACL2 Documentation
Some Related Topics
OOPS -- undo a :u
or :
PBT -- print the commands back through a command descriptor
PC -- print the command described by a command descriptor
PCB -- print the command block described by a command descriptor
PCB! -- print in full the command block described by a command descriptor
PCS -- print the sequence of commands between two command descriptors
PE -- print the events named by a logical name
PE! -- deprecated (see pe)
PF -- print the formula corresponding to the given name
PL -- print the rules for the given name or term
PR -- print the rules stored by the event with the given name
PR! -- print rules stored by the command with a given command descriptor
PUFF -- replace a compound command by its immediate subevents
PUFF* -- replace a compound command by its subevents
RESET-KILL-RING -- save memory by resetting and perhaps resizing the kill ring used by oops
U -- undo last command, without a query
UBT -- undo the commands back through a command descriptor
UBT! -- undo commands, without a query or an error
UBU -- undo the commands back up to (not including) a command descriptor
UBU! -- undo commands, without a query or an error
ACL2 keeps track of the commands that you have executed that have
extended the logic or the rule data base, as by the definition of
macros, functions, etc. Using the facilities in this section you
can review the sequence of commands executed so far. For example,
you can ask to see the most recently executed command, or the
command 10
before that, or the command that introduced a given
function symbol. You can also undo back through some previous
command, restoring the logical world to what it was before the given
The annotations printed in the margin in response to some of these
commands (such as `P', `L', and `V') are explained in the
documentation for :
Several technical terms are used in the documentation of the history
commands. You must understand these terms to use the commands.
These terms are documented via :
entries of their own.
See command, see events, see command-descriptor, and
see logical-name.