Suppose that a given theorem, thm
, is to be functionally instantiated
using a given functional substitution, alist
. (See lemma-instance, or
for an example, see functional-instantiation-example.) What is the set of
proof obligations generated? It is the set obtained by applying alist
all terms, tm
, such that (a) tm
mentions some function symbol in the
domain of alist
, and (b) either (i) tm
arises from the ``constraint''
on a function symbol ancestral in thm
or in some defaxiom
or (ii)
is the body of a defaxiom
. Here, a function symbol is
``ancestral'' in thm
if either it occurs in thm
, or it occurs in the
definition of some function symbol that occurs in thm
, and so on.
The remainder of this note explains what we mean by ``constraint'' in the words above.
In a certain sense, function symbols are introduced in essentially two ways.
The most common way is to use defun
(or when there is mutual recursion,
or defuns
). There is also a mechanism for
introducing ``witness functions''; see defchoose. The documentation for
these events describes the axioms they introduce, which we will call
here their ``definitional axioms.'' These definitional axioms are generally
the constraints on the function symbols that these axioms introduce.
However, when a function symbol is introduced in the scope of an
event, its constraints may differ from the definitional
axioms introduced for it. For example, suppose that a function's definition
is local
to the encapsulate
; that is, suppose the function is
introduced in the signature of the encapsulate
. Then its
constraints include, at the least, those non-local
theorems and
definitions in the encapsulate
that mention the function symbol.
Actually, it will follow from the discussion below that if the
signature is empty for an encapsulate
, then the constraint on
each of its new function symbols is exactly the definitional axiom
introduced for it. Intuitively, we view such encapsulates
as we view include-book
events. But the general case, where the
signature is not empty, is more complicated.
In the discussion that follows we describe in detail exactly which
constraints are associated with which function symbols that are introduced in
the scope of an encapsulate
event. In order to simplify the exposition
we make two cuts at it. In the first cut we present an over-simplified
explanation that nevertheless captures the main ideas. In the second cut we
complete our explanation by explaining how we view certain events as
being ``lifted'' out of the encapsulate
, resulting in a possibly
smaller encapsulate
, which becomes the target of the algorithm
described in the first cut.
At the end of this note we present an example showing why a more naive approach is unsound.
Finally, before we start our ``first cut,'' we note that constrained
functions always have guards of T. This makes sense when one considers
that a constrained function's ``guard'' only appears in the context of a
, which is skipped. Note also that any information
you want ``exported'' outside an encapsulate
event must be there as an
explicit definition or theorem. For example, even if a function foo
output type (mv t t)
in its signature, the system will not know
(true-listp (foo x))
merely on account of this information. Thus, if you
are using functions like foo
(constrained mv
functions) in a
context where you are verifying guards, then you should probably provide
a :
rule for the constrained function, for
example, the :
rule (true-listp (foo x))
First cut at constraint-assigning algorithm. Quite simply, the formulas
introduced in the scope of an encapsulate
are conjoined, and each
function symbol introduced by the encapsulate
is assigned that
conjunction as its constraint.
Clearly this is a rather severe algorithm. Let us consider two possible optimizations in an informal manner before presenting our second cut.
Consider the (rather artificial) event below. The function before1
not refer at all, even indirectly, to the locally-introduced function
, so it is unfortunate to saddle it with constraints about
(encapsulate (((sig-fn *) => *))We would like to imagine moving the definition of(defun before1 (x) (if (consp x) (before1 (cdr x)) x))
(local (defun sig-fn (x) (cons x x)))
(defthm sig-fn-prop (consp (sig-fn x))) )
to just in
front of this encapsulate
, as follows.
(defun before1 (x) (if (consp x) (before1 (cdr x)) x))Thus, we will only assign the constraint(encapsulate (((sig-fn *) => *))
(local (defun sig-fn (x) (cons x x)))
(defthm sig-fn-prop (consp (sig-fn x))) )
(consp (sig-fn x))
, from the
theorem sig-fn-prop
, to the function sig-fn
, not to the function
More generally, suppose an event in an encapsulate
event does not
mention any function symbol in the signature of the encapsulate
nor any function symbol that mentions any such function symbol, and so on.
(We might say that no function symbol from the signature is an
``ancestor'' of any function symbol occurring in the event.) Then we imagine
moving the event, so that it appears in front of the encapsulate
. We
don't actually move it, but we pretend we do when it comes time to assign
constraints. Thus, such definitions only introduce definitional axioms as
the constraints on the function symbols being defined. Thus, in the example
above, the event sig-fn-prop
introduces no constraints on function
Once this first optimization is performed, we have in mind a set of
``constrained functions.'' These are the functions introduced in the
that would remain after moving some of them out, as
indicated above. Consider the collection of all formulas introduced by the
, except the definitional axioms, that mention these
constrained functions. So for example, in the event below, no such formula
mentions the function symbol after1
(encapsulate (((sig-fn *) => *))We can see that there is really no harm in imagining that we move the definition of(local (defun sig-fn (x) (cons x x)))
(defthm sig-fn-prop (consp (sig-fn x)))
(defun after1 (x) (sig-fn x)) )
out of the encapsulate
, to just after the
Many subtle aspects of this rearrangement process have been omitted. For
example, suppose the function fn
uses sig-fn
, the latter being a
function in the signature of the encapsulation. Suppose a formula about
is proved in the encapsulation. Then from the discussion above fn
is among the constrained functions of the encapsulate: it cannot be moved
before the encapsulate and it cannot be moved after the encapsulation. But
why is fn
constrained? The reason is that the theorem proved about
may impose or express constraints on sig-fn
. That is, the theorem
proved about fn
may depend upon properties of the witness used for
. Here is a simple example:
(encapsulate (((sig-fn *) => *))In this example, there are no(local (defun sig-fn (x) (declare (ignore x)) 0))
(defun fn (lst) (if (endp lst) t (and (integerp (sig-fn (car lst))) (fn (cdr lst)))))
(defthm fn-always-true (fn lst)))
events that mention sig-fn
explicitly. One might therefore conclude that it is completely
unconstrained. But the witness we chose for it always returns an integer.
The function fn
uses sig-fn
and we prove that fn
always returns
true. Of course, the proof of this theorem depends upon the properties of
the witness for sig-fn
, even though those properties were not explicitly
``called out'' in theorems proved about sig-fn
. It would be unsound to
move fn-always-true
after the encapsulate. It would also be unsound to
constrain sig-fn
to satisfy just fn-always-true
without including in
the constraint the relation between sig-fn
and fn
. Hence both
and fn
are constrained by this encapsulation and the
constraint imposed on each is the same and states the relation between the
two as characterized by the equation defining fn
as well as the property
that fn
always returns true. Suppose, later, one proved a theorem about
and wished to functionally instantiate it. Then one must also
functionally instantiate fn
, even if it is not involved in the theorem,
because it is only through fn
that sig-fn
inherits its constrained
This is a pathological example that illustrate a trap into which one may
easily fall: rather than identify the key properties of the constrained
function the user has foreshadowed its intended application and constrained
those notions. Clearly, the user wishing to introduce the sig-fn
would be well-advised to use the following instead:
(encapsulate (((sig-fn *) => *)) (local (defun sig-fn (x) (declare (ignore x)) 0)) (defthm integerp-sig-fn (integerp (sig-fn x)))) (defun fn (lst) (if (endp lst) t (and (integerp (sig-fn (car lst))) (fn (cdr lst))))) (defthm fn-always-true (fn lst)))Note that
is constrained merely to be an integer. It is the only
constrained function. Now fn
is introduced after the encapsulation, as a
simple function that uses sig-fn
. We prove that fn
always returns
true, but this fact does not constrain sig-fn
. Future uses of sig-fn
do not have to consider fn
at all.
Sometimes it is necessary to introduce a function such as fn
within the
merely to state the key properties of the undefined function
. But that is unusual and the user should understand that both
functions are being constrained.
Another subtle aspect of encapsulation that has been brushed over so far has
to do with exactly how functions defined within the encapsulation use the
signature functions. For example, above we say ``Consider the collection of
all formulas introduced by the encapsulate,
except the definitional axioms, that mention these constrained
functions.'' We seem to suggest that a definitional axiom which mentions a
constrained function can be moved out of the encapsulation and considered
part of the ``post-encapsulation'' extension of the logical world, if
the defined function is not used in any non-definitional formula proved in
the encapsulation. For example, in the encapsulation above that constrained
and introduced fn
within the encapsulation, fn
constrained because we proved the formula fn-always-true
within the
encapsulation. Had we not proved fn-always-true
within the
encapsulation, fn
could have been moved after the encapsulation. But
this suggests an unsound rule because whether such a function can be moved
after the encapsulate depend on whether its admission used properties of
the witnesses! In particular, we say a function is ``subversive'' if any of
its governing tests or the actuals in any recursive call involve a function
in which the signature functions are ancestral. See subversive-recursions.
(Aside: The definition of fn
in the first enapsulation above that defines
, i.e., the encapsulation with fn-always-true
inside, is subversive
because the call of the macro AND
expands to a call of IF
governs a recursive call of fn
, in this case:
(defun fn (lst) (if (endp lst) t (if (integerp (sig-fn (car lst))) (fn (cdr lst)) nil))).If we switch the order of conjuncts in
, then the definition of fn
is no longer subversive, but it still ``infects'' the constraint generated
for the encapsulation, hence for sig-fn
, because fn-always-true
blocks the definition of fn
from being moved back (to after the
encapsulation). If we both switch the order of conjuncts and drop
from the encapsulation, then the definition of fn
in essence moved back to after the encapsulation, and the constraint for
no longer includes the definition of fn
. End of aside.)
Another aspect we have not discussed is what happens to nested encapsulations
when each introduces constrained functions. We say an encapsulate
is ``trivial'' if it introduces no constrained functions, i.e., if its
signatures is nil
. Trivial encapsulations are just a way to wrap up a
collection of events into a single event.
From the foregoing discussion we see we are interested in exactly how we can ``rearrange'' the events in a non-trivial encapsulation -- moving some ``before'' the encapsulation and others ``after'' the encapsulation. We are also interested in which functions introduced by the encapsulation are ``constrained'' and what the ``constraints'' on each are. We may summarize the observations above as follows, after which we conclude with a more elaborate example.
Second cut at constraint-assigning algorithm. First, we focus only on
non-trivial encapsulations that neither contain nor are contained in
non-trivial encapsulations. (Nested non-trivial encapsulations are not
rearranged at all: do not put anything in such a nest unless you mean for it
to become part of the constraints generated.) Second, in what follows we
only consider the non-local
events of such an encapsulate
, assuming
that they satisfy the restriction of using no locally defined function
symbols other than the signature functions. Given such an encapsulate
event, move, to just in front of it and in the same order, all definitions
and theorems for which none of the signature functions is ancestral. Now
collect up all formulas (theorems) introduced in the encapsulate
than definitional axioms. Add to this set any of those definitional
equations that is either subversive or defines a function used in a formula
in the set. The conjunction of the resulting set of formulas is called the
``constraint'' and the set of all the signature functions of the
together with all function symbols defined in the
and mentioned in the constraint is called the ``constrained
functions.'' Assign the constraint to each of the constrained functions.
Move, to just after the encapsulate
, the definitions of all function
symbols defined in the encapsulate
that have been omitted from the
Implementation note. In the implementation we do not actually move events, but we create constraints that pretend that we did.
Here is an example illustrating our constraint-assigning algorithm. It builds on the preceding examples.
(encapsulate (((sig-fn *) => *))(defun before1 (x) (if (consp x) (before1 (cdr x)) x))
(local (defun sig-fn (x) (cons x x)))
(defthm sig-fn-prop (consp (sig-fn x)))
(defun during (x) (if (consp x) x (cons (car (sig-fn x)) 17)))
(defun before2 (x) (before1 x))
(defthm before2-prop (atom (before2 x)))
(defthm during-prop (implies (and (atom x) (before2 x)) (equal (car (during x)) (car (sig-fn x)))))
(defun after1 (x) (sig-fn x))
(defchoose after2 (x) (u) (and (< u x) (during x))) )
Only the functions sig-fn
and during
receive extra constraints. The
functions before1
and before2
are viewed as moving in front of the
, as is the theorem before2-prop
. The functions
and after2
are viewed as being moved past the
. Notice that the formula (consp (during x))
is a
conjunct of the constraint. It comes from the :
rule deduced during the definition of the function during
. The
implementation reports the following.
(SIG-FN X) is axiomatized to return one result.In addition, we export AFTER2, AFTER1, DURING-PROP, BEFORE2-PROP, BEFORE2, DURING, SIG-FN-PROP and BEFORE1.
The following constraint is associated with both of the functions DURING and SIG-FN:
We conclude by asking (and to a certain extent, answering) the following
question: Isn't there an approach to assigning constraints that avoids
over-constraining more simply than our ``second cut'' above? Perhaps it
seems that given an encapsulate
, we should simply assign to each
locally defined function the theorems exported about that function. If we
adopted that simple approach the events below would be admissible.
(encapsulate (((foo *) => *)) (local (defun foo (x) x)) (defun bar (x) (foo x)) (defthm bar-prop (equal (bar x) x) :rule-classes nil))Under the simple approach we have in mind,(defthm foo-id (equal (foo x) x) :hints (("Goal" :use bar-prop)))
; The following event is not admissible in ACL2.
(defthm ouch! nil :rule-classes nil :hints (("Goal" :use ((:functional-instance foo-id (foo (lambda (x) (cons x x))))))))
is constrained to satisfy
both its definition and bar-prop
because bar
mentions a function
declared in the signature list of the encapsulation. In fact, bar
so-constrained in the ACL2 semantics of encapsulation and the first two
events above (the encapsulate
and the consequence that foo
must be
the identity function) are actually admissible. But under the simple
approach to assigning constraints, foo
is unconstrained because no
theorem about it is exported. Under that approach, ouch!
is provable
because foo
can be instantiated in foo-id
to a function other than
the identity function.
It's tempting to think we can fix this by including definitions, not just
theorems, in constraints. But consider the following slightly more elaborate
example. The problem is that we need to include as a constraint on foo
not only the definition of bar
, which mentions foo
explicitly, but
also abc
, which has foo
as an ancestor.
(encapsulate (((foo *) => *)) (local (defun foo (x) x)) (local (defthm foo-prop (equal (foo x) x))) (defun bar (x) (foo x)) (defun abc (x) (bar x)) (defthm abc-prop (equal (abc x) x) :rule-classes nil))(defthm foo-id (equal (foo x) x) :hints (("Goal" :use abc-prop)))
; The following event is not admissible in ACL2.
(defthm ouch! nil :rule-classes nil :hints (("Goal" :use ((:functional-instance foo-id (foo (lambda (x) (cons x x))) (bar (lambda (x) (cons x x))))))))