a table specifying certain defaults, e.g., the default defun-mode
Major Section:  OTHER

Example Forms:
(table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode) ; current default defun-mode
(table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode :program)
           ; set default defun-mode to :program

See table for a discussion of tables in general. The legal keys for this table are shown below. They may be accessed and changed via the general mechanisms provided by tables. However, there are often more convenient ways to access and/or change the defaults. (See also the note below.)

the default defun-mode, which must be :program or :logic. See defun-mode for a general discussion of defun-modes. The :defun-mode key may be conveniently set by keyword commands naming the new defun-mode, :program and :logic. See program and see logic.
an integer between 0 and 2 indicating how eager the system is to verify the guards of a defun event. See set-verify-guards-eagerness.
When this key's value is t, functions are compiled when they are defun'd; otherwise, the value is nil. To set the flag, see set-compile-fns.
the default measure function used by defun when no :measure is supplied in xargs. The default measure function must be a function symbol of one argument. Let mfn be the default measure function and suppose no :measure is supplied with some recursive function definition. Then defun finds the first formal, var, that is tested along every branch and changed in each recursive call. The system then ``guesses'' that (mfn var) is the :measure for that defun.
the default well-founded relation used by defun when no :well-founded-relation is supplied in xargs. The default well-founded relation must be a function symbol, rel, of two arguments about which a :well-founded-relation rule has been proved. See well-founded-relation.
an alist used in the control of permutative rewriting. Each entry in this alist must be of the form (fn ufn1 ufn2 ... ufnk), where fn and each ufni is a function symbol and the ufni are all unary functions. Such an entry makes each of the ufni ``invisible'' when ordering the arguments of fn via commutative rules. See set-invisible-fns-alist.
When this key's value is t, ACL2 skips the check that every function in a mutual-recursion (or defuns) ``clique'' calls at least one other function in that ``clique.'' Otherwise, the value is the keyword nil (the default) or :warn (which makes the check but merely warns when the check fails). See set-bogus-mutual-recursion-ok.
When this key's value is t, the check for irrelevant formals is bypassed; otherwise, the value is the keyword nil (the default) or :warn (which makes the check but merely warns when the check fails). See irrelevant-formals and see set-irrelevant-formals-ok.
When this key's value is t, the check for ignored variables is bypassed; otherwise, the value is the keyword nil (the default) or :warn (which makes the check but merely warns when the check fails. See set-ignore-ok.
ACL2 prints warnings that may, from time to time, seem excessive to experienced users. Each warning is ``labeled'' with a string identifying the type of warning. Consider for example
ACL2 Warning [Use] in ( THM ...):  It is unusual to :USE ....
Here, the label is "Use". The value of the key :inhibit-warnings is a list of such labels, where case is ignored. Any warning whose label is a member of this list (where again, case is ignored) is suppressed. See set-inhibit-warnings and also see set-inhibit-output-lst.
This key's value is a list of function symbols used to define the notion of ``BDD normal form.'' See bdd-algorithm and see hints.
This key's value is either t or nil and indicates whether the user is aware of the syntactic restrictions on the variable symbol STATE. See set-state-ok.
This key's value is either nil or a non-negative integer. It is used to set the backchain limit upon starting rewriting. See backchain-limit.
This key's value is either nil or a non-negative integer. It is used to set the backchain limit of a rule if one has not been specified. See backchain-limit.
This key affects how the system displays subgoals. The value is either t or nil. When t, let* expressions are introduced before printing to eliminate common subexpressions. The actual goal being worked on is unchanged.
This key's value is nil, t, or :literals. When the value is non-nil, the rewriter gives special treatment to expressions and functions defined in terms of nth and update-nth. See set-nu-rewriter-mode.
This key's value is a list of two ``numbers.'' Either ``number'' may optionally be nil, which is treated like positive infinity. The numbers control how the system handles case splits in the simplifier. See set-case-split-limitations.
This key's value is added to the :hints argument of defthm and thm commands.
This key's value is a list of pairs (binop . mac), where binop is a binary function and mac is the corresponding macro (which takes two or more arguments, and in some case zero or one as well). This value is used in proof output, so that calls of binop are shown instead as calls of mac, e.g., (binary-append x (binary-append y z)) is shown as (append x y z) since (binary-append . append) is, by default, in this value. see add-binop.

Note: Unlike all other tables, acl2-defaults-table can affect the soundness of the system. The table mechanism therefore enforces on it a restriction not imposed on other tables: when table is used to update the acl2-defaults-table, the key and value must be variable-free forms. Thus, while

(table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode :program),

(table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode ':program), and

(table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode (compute-mode *my-data*))

are all examples of legal events (assuming compute-mode is a function of one non-state argument that produces a defun-mode as its single value),
(table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode (compute-mode (w state)))
is not legal because the value form is state-sensitive.

Consider for example the following three events which one might make into the text of a book.

(in-package "ACL2")

(table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode (if (ld-skip-proofsp state) :logic :program))

(defun crash-and-burn (x) (car x))

The second event is illegal because its value form is state-sensitive. If it were not illegal, then it would set the :defun-mode to :program when the book was being certified but would set the defun-mode to :logic when the book was being loaded by include-book. That is because during certification, ld-skip-proofsp is nil (proof obligations are generated and proved), but during book inclusion ld-skip-proofsp is non-nil (those obligations are assumed to have been satisfied.) Thus, the above book, when loaded, would create a function in :logic mode that does not actually meet the conditions for such status.

For similar reasons, table events affecting acl2-defaults-table are illegal within the scope of local forms. That is, the text

(in-package "ACL2")

(local (table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode :program))

(defun crash-and-burn (x) (car x))

is illegal because acl2-defaults-table is changed locally. If this text were acceptable as a book, then when the book was certified, crash-and-burn would be processed in :program mode, but when the certified book was included later, crash-and-burn would have :logic mode because the local event would be skipped.

The text

(in-package "ACL2")

(program) ;which is (table acl2-defaults-table :defun-mode :program)

(defun crash-and-burn (x) (car x))

is acceptable and defines crash-and-burn in :program mode, both during certification and subsequent inclusion.

We conclude with an important observation about the relation between acl2-defaults-table and include-book, certify-book, and encapsulate. Including or certifying a book never has an effect on the acl2-defaults-table, nor does executing an encapsulate event; we always restore the value of this table as a final act. (Also see include-book, see encapsulate, and see certify-book.) That is, no matter how a book fiddles with the acl2-defaults-table, its value immediately after including that book is the same as immediately before including that book. If you want to set the acl2-defaults-table in a way that persists, you need to do so using commands that are not inside books. It may be useful to set your favorite defaults in your acl2-customization file; see acl2-customization.