(primitive) set the current proof-checker theory

   (union-theories (theory 'minimal-theory) '(true-listp binary-append)))

General Form: (in-theory &optional atom-or-theory-expression)

If the argument is not supplied, then this command sets the current proof-checker theory (see below for explanation) to agree with the current ACL2 theory. Otherwise, the argument should be a theory expression, and in that case the proof-checker theory is set to the value of that theory expression.

The current proof-checker theory is used in all calls to the ACL2 theorem prover and rewriter from inside the proof-checker. Thus, the most recent in-theory instruction in the current state-stack has an effect in the proof-checker totally analogous to the effect caused by an in-theory hint or event in ACL2. However, in-theory instructions in the proof-checker have no effect outside the proof-checker's interactive loop.

If the most recent in-theory instruction in the current state of the proof-checker has no arguments, or if there is no in-theory instruction in the current state of the proof-checker, then the proof-checker will use the current ACL2 theory. This is true even if the user has interrupted the interactive loop by exiting and changing the global ACL2 theory. However, if the most recent in-theory instruction in the current state of the proof-checker had an argument, then global changes to the current theory will have no effect on the proof-checker state.