Overview of the Simplification of the Induction Step to T

Subgoal *1/2
              (EQUAL (APP (APP (CDR A) B) C)
                     (APP (CDR A) (APP B C))))
         (EQUAL (APP (APP A B) C)
                (APP A (APP B C)))).

By the simple :definition ENDP we reduce the conjecture to

Subgoal *1/2'
              (EQUAL (APP (APP (CDR A) B) C)
                     (APP (CDR A) (APP B C))))
         (EQUAL (APP (APP A B) C)
                (APP A (APP B C)))).

But simplification reduces this to T, using the :definition APP, the
:rewrite rules CDR-CONS and CAR-CONS and primitive type reasoning.