Major Section: ACL2-BUILT-INS
The name ``ec-call
'' represents ``executable-counterpart call.'' This
utility is intended for users who are familiar with guards. See guard for a
general discussion of guards.
Logically, ec-call
behaves like the identity macro; during proofs,
(ec-call TERM)
is typically replaced quickly by TERM
during a proof
attempt. However, ec-call
causes function calls to be evaluated in the
ACL2 logic rather than raw Lisp, as explained below.
General Form: (ec-call (fn term1 ... termk))where
is a known function symbol other than those in the list that is
the value of the constant *ec-call-bad-ops*
. In particular, fn
not a macro. Semantically, (ec-call (fn term1 ... termk))
(fn term1 ... termk)
. However, this use of ec-call
has two effects.
(1) Guard verification generates no proof obligations from the guard of
for this call. Indeed, guards need not have been verified forfn
.(2) During evaluation, after the arguments of
are evaluated as usual, the executable counterpart offn
is called, rather thanfn
as defined in raw Lisp. That is, the call offn
is made on its evaluated arguments as though this call is being made in the ACL2 top-level loop, rather than in raw Lisp. In particular, the guard offn
is checked, at least by default (see set-guard-checking).
Note that in the term (ec-call (fn term1 ... termk)), only the indicated
call of
is made in the logic; each termi
is evaluated in the
normal manner. If you want an entire term evaluated in the logic, wrap
around each function call in the term (other than calls of if
and ec-call
Technical Remark (probably best ignored). During evaluation of a call
of defconst
or defpkg
in raw Lisp, a form
(ec-call (fn term1 ... termk))
is treated as (fn term1 ... termk)
that is, without calling the executable counterpart of fn
. This
situation occurs when loading a compiled file (or expansion file) on behalf
of an include-book
event. The reason is technical: executable
counterparts are defined below a book's events in the book's compiled file.
End of Technical Remark.
Here is a small example. We define foo
recursively but with guard
verification inhibited on the recursive call, which is to be evaluated in the
ACL2 logic.
ACL2 !>(defun foo (x y) (declare (xargs :guard (consp y))) (if (consp x) (cons (car x) (ec-call (foo (cdr x) (cdr y)))) (car y))) The admission of FOO is trivial, using the relation O< (which is known to be well-founded on the domain recognized by O-P) and the measure (ACL2-COUNT X). We could deduce no constraints on the type of FOO. Computing the guard conjecture for FOO.... The guard conjecture for FOO is trivial to prove. FOO is compliant with Common Lisp. Summary Form: ( DEFUN FOO ...) Rules: NIL Warnings: None Time: 0.00 seconds (prove: 0.00, print: 0.00, other: 0.00) FOO ACL2 !>(foo '(2 3 4 5) '(6 7)) ACL2 Error in TOP-LEVEL: The guard for the function call (FOO X Y), which is (CONSP Y), is violated by the arguments in the call (FOO '(4 5) NIL). To debug see :DOC print-gv, see :DOC trace, and see :DOC wet. See :DOC set-guard-checking for information about suppressing this check with (set-guard-checking :none), as recommended for new users. ACL2 !>The error above arises because eventually,
recurs down to a value of
parameter y
that violates the guard. This is clear from tracing
(see trace$ and see trace). Each call of the executable counterpart of
(the so-called ``*1*'' function for foo
) checks the guard and
then invokes the raw Lisp version of foo
. The raw Lisp version calls
the executable counterpart on the recursive call. When the guard check fails
we get a violation.
ACL2 !>(trace$ foo) ((FOO)) ACL2 !>(foo '(2 3 4 5) '(6 7)) 1> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (2 3 4 5) (6 7)) 2> (FOO (2 3 4 5) (6 7)) 3> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (3 4 5) (7)) 4> (FOO (3 4 5) (7)) 5> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (4 5) NIL) ACL2 Error in TOP-LEVEL: The guard for the function call (FOO X Y), which is (CONSP Y), is violated by the arguments in the call (FOO '(4 5) NIL). To debug see :DOC print-gv, see :DOC trace, and see :DOC wet. See :DOC set-guard-checking for information about suppressing this check with (set-guard-checking :none), as recommended for new users. ACL2 !>If we turn off guard errors then we can see the trace as above, but where we avoid calling the raw Lisp function when the guard fails to hold.
ACL2 !>:set-guard-checking nil Masking guard violations but still checking guards except for self- recursive calls. To avoid guard checking entirely, :SET-GUARD-CHECKING :NONE. See :DOC set-guard-checking. ACL2 >(foo '(2 3 4 5) '(6 7)) 1> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (2 3 4 5) (6 7)) 2> (FOO (2 3 4 5) (6 7)) 3> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (3 4 5) (7)) 4> (FOO (3 4 5) (7)) 5> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (4 5) NIL) 6> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (5) NIL) 7> (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO NIL NIL) <7 (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO NIL) <6 (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (5)) <5 (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (4 5)) <4 (FOO (3 4 5)) <3 (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (3 4 5)) <2 (FOO (2 3 4 5)) <1 (ACL2_*1*_ACL2::FOO (2 3 4 5)) (2 3 4 5) ACL2 >