acl2-characters acl2-check.lisp acl2-customization-files acl2-fns.lisp acl2-init.lisp acl2.lisp # acl2-proclaims.lisp -- generated file # acl2r.lisp -- generated file # acl2-status.txt -- generated file akcl-acl2-trace.lisp allegro-acl2-trace.lisp all-files.txt # aux -- developer directory apply-constraints.lisp apply.lisp apply-prim.lisp apply-raw.lisp axioms.lisp basis-a.lisp basis-b.lisp bdd.lisp # bin -- under source control but not distributed # books -- no longer distributed at UT boot-strap-pass-2-a.lisp boot-strap-pass-2-b.lisp defpkgs.lisp defthm.lisp defuns.lisp doc doc.lisp # doc.lisp.backup -- not distributed or under source control emacs futures-raw.lisp # gitlog-all.txt -- not distributed or under source control GNUmakefile graphics history-management.lisp hons.lisp hons-raw.lisp induct.lisp init.lisp installation interface-raw.lisp ld.lisp LICENSE linear-a.lisp linear-b.lisp Makefile mcl-acl2-startup.lisp memoize.lisp memoize-raw.lisp multi-threading-raw.lisp new.html non-linear.lisp openmcl-acl2-trace.lisp other-events.lisp other-processes.lisp other-releases.html parallel.lisp parallel-raw.lisp proof-builder-a.lisp proof-builder-b.lisp proof-builder-pkg.lisp prove.lisp # -- not distributed (github file) rewrite.lisp # The following is distributed but is not under source control: saved save-gprof.lsp serialize.lisp serialize-raw.lisp simplify.lisp # The following two are distributed but is not under source control: TAGS TAGS-acl2-doc tau.lisp translate.lisp type-set-a.lisp type-set-b.lisp workshops.html acl2-customization-files: bookdata.lisp no-serialize.lisp parallel-full.lisp parallel-resource-based.lisp parallel-top-level.lisp pseudo-parallel.lisp README serial.lisp set-compile-fns.lisp # bin -- under source control but not distributed doc: # The following distributed file is generated and also under source control: acl2-code-size.txt create-acl2-code-size create-doc # The following distributed file is generated and also under source control: home-page.html home-page.lisp # The following is distributed but is not under source control HTML # The following is distributed but is not under source control manual README write-acl2-code-size.lisp # The following is distributed but is not under source control doc/HTML: LICENSE installation *.html *.gif # The following is distributed but is not under source control doc/HTML/installation: ccl.html installation.html installing-make.html misc.html obtaining-and-installing.html requirements.html using.html windows7.html windows-gcl-jared.html # The following is distributed but is not under source control doc/manual: download HTML LICENSE # Makefile -- not distributed res *.* # The following is distributed but is not under source control doc/manual/download: # The following is currently empty. Perhaps HTML should be generated # before running "make copy-distribution". # doc/manual/HTML: # * # The following is distributed but is not under source control doc/manual/lib: *.* katex typeahead-bundle doc/manual/lib/katex: fonts katex.min.css katex.min.js doc/manual/lib/katex/fonts: *.* doc/manual/lib/typeahead-bundle: *.* doc/manual/res: centaur tours doc/manual/res/centaur: centaur-logo.png cert_pl_exclude doc/manual/res/tours: *.gif emacs: acl2-doc.el emacs-acl2.el monitor.el README graphics: *.gif installation: ccl.html installation.html installing-make.html misc.html obtaining-and-installing.html requirements.html using.html windows7.html windows-gcl-jared.html # The following is distributed but is not under source control saved: