Computer Science Projects and Skills

Here are the programming languages I am familiar with and my level of knowledge (most to least)









HTML/CSS (used to make this website)


The following I have been introduced to but in which I am not as familiar at the current time with


SQL Alchemy





Here are some descriptions of interesting projects I have worked on as an Undergrad

Evil Hangman

This project was made to show off my skills with hashMaps. it is a Hangman game that changed the word based off what letters are still free, causing a more difficult than usual version of Hangman

Hufman Encoding

In this project, I used the huffman tree algorithm to create a tree based off the frequency of values in a given file. From this, the idea is that we can use losless compression to compress the file for less space being taken up. I also had to help design the decompression algorithm so the files could be viewed correctly. A video of the work is linked below

A Memory Manager (MM Lab)

In this project, I had to implement the malloc and free methods being careful not to use a bump allocator but instead a free list system. This project not only game me better insight as to how Malloc/Free work but it also taught me the importance of space efficiency and coalescing.

A System Emulator (SE Lab)

This project was designed to show off that I know how piplining and accessing memory works. Tasks included implementing the FDEMW (Fetch Decode Execute Memory Writeback) system and dealing with the issues of forwarding and squashing if values overlap in consecutive assembly language statements. As well, I had to make a cache that contained eviction policies to keep the program running fast.


This project was made to show that I know the basics of an OS. Tasks included designing a priority thread system, dealing with busy waiting, desinging a filesystem and dealing with system calls

An RPG game

As can be seen with the doc I linked below, I am creating a basic RPG game. Currently, the battle system is the only part that is fully designed and almost implemented, but I plan to finish it in the near future

Data Structure projects including those of Binary Search Trees, Linked Lists and Graphs

These projects were made with the idea of learning the similarities and differences between data structures, finding which was the most efficient in what situations.

Links to interesting projects I have worked on

A more in depth of the RPG game I explained earlier(WIP)
A game I worked on for my final High School project
Part 2 of the game I worked on
A video of the Huffman Encoding project I explained earlier when in action

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