CS 394P: Pattern Matching Exercise

Due: February 4, 2008.

The goal of this exercise is to gain experience in the use of pattern-based transformations for optimization, specialization of generic programs, language translation, code expansion, and partial evaluation.

  1. Examine the code in the file /projects/cs394p/patmatch.lsp and patm.lsp . A set of example patterns for use with this code is given in the file pats.lsp . Try the examples that are shown as comments in pats.lsp .
  2. Add to the optimization patterns given in pats.lsp in order to optimize the examples of code given in the file patex.lsp. Most of these examples are code produced by the GLISP compiler prior to optimization.
  3. Add to the loop patterns given in pats.lsp to implement the generic sequence functions min, max, and member-of. Demonstrate that these patterns work for linked lists and arrays.
  4. Add to the C translation patterns given in pats.lsp to allow the array functions in item 3 above to be translated into C.
  5. Write optimization patterns to unroll short loops. Test these on the function mxmult in the file patex.lsp. Write additional optimization patterns to optimize the results of loop unrolling.

It is necessary to remove old patterns if they turn out to be incorrect. You can add your patterns to the file pats.lsp and reload this file each time you make a change; this will remove the old patterns.


patmatch.lsp    Simple matcher, as in lecture slides.
patm.lsp        More powerful matcher
pats.lsp        Starter set of patterns
patex.lsp       Examples for use in optimization exercise