The goals of this exercise are to try GLISP facilities for automatic programming using views, and to try construction of programs from graphical specifications.
Use the Automatic Programming Server (APS) program demo (available via to do the following:
In response to the first menu, select New Program; this will bring up a larger window in which a program can be specified. Next, select Physics from the command menu, and then KINEMATICS and FALLING; move the rectangle into position and click the mouse. Next, select Type-in from the command menu and enter the velocity in the text area as 60 mph; move the rectangle into position and click. Next, click on the v button of the FALLING diagram and then click on the 60 mph box. Connect the h button to the OUTPUT. Select the Specify Type command, click on the OUTPUT box, and enter the units of the answer in the text area, e.g. ft. Then select Done. The program that was created from your specifiecation will be displayed.
Restart VIP; click in the top line of the Input Data area and enter the following, followed by Return:
(v (units real (/ meter second)))Then select New Program and proceed as before. You may change the units for the input velocity and output if you wish.
Make two programs that operate on an assembly. You may choose the output language (if it is not Lisp, use assemblyc as the input type). Some data for testing is available in the files assembly.lsp, assembly.c, and