CS 307: 3. Turtle Graphics
Due: Wednesday, September 19, 2001
The Logo language, which is used to teach programming to children,
gives commands to a ``turtle'' -- a mechanical device that moves
and can draw with a pen that it carries. Some versions of Logo
have a mechanical turtle; other versions simulate it on a display screen.
A language similar to Logo can easily be developed within Lisp.
- Define global variables *x*, *y*,
*angle*, and *pen* to represent the current
position of the turtle, the angle (in degrees) at which it is facing, and
whether its pen is down and drawing (#t) or up and not drawing
(#f). Choose appropriate initial values for the variables.
- Write a function (radians theta) that converts an angle
theta expressed in degrees to an equivalent angle expressed in
radians. 2 pi radians = 360 degrees.
The trigonometric functions in Scheme expect arguments in radians.
- Write functions (moveto x y) and (turnto theta)
that will set the current
location and heading of the turtle.
We will consider a heading of 0 to mean that the turtle is facing
to the right along the horizontal x axis.
Write functions (penup) and (pendown) to set the pen state.
Use set! to update the global variables appropriately.
Although these actions could be achieved by letting the user set the
values of global variables, it is preferable to
define functions for this interface so that the internal implementation
is hidden from the user; this is called information hiding.
- Write functions (left n) and (right n) that will
change the heading of the turtle by n degrees. Use set!
to update the global variable appropriately.
- Write functions (forward r) and (back r) that will
move the turtle forward or backward by r units along its current
direction. Update the global variables appropriately after the movement.
If the pen is drawing, a line should be drawn on the screen from the current
turtle position to its new position using the graphics functions. (Is there
a clever way to write back in terms of forward?)
- Write a function (rectangle width height) that uses the
turtle graphics functions to draw a rectangle. Note that the heading of
the turtle should be the same after drawing the rectangle as it was before.
Demonstrate that your program will draw a rectangle at various angles,
depending on the initial angle of the turtle.
- Write a function (move-turn lng theta n) that will move
forward a distance lng, then turn left an angle theta degrees,
and repeat this operation n times.
Try (move-turn 50 120 3) and (move-turn 1 1 360).
- Write a function (polygon n r) that draws a polygon with
n sides that would fit inside a circle of radius r.
The first line of the polygon should be drawn from the turtle's current
position at the turtle's current heading. After drawing, the turtle
should be back at its original position and heading.
(Hint: It is always legal to use any function you have written previously
as a subroutine.)
Leave the turtle's heading afterwards the same as it was at the beginning.
Try (dotimes (i 10) (polygon 5 50) (left 36)) .
- Write a function (polypoly n r m s) that draws polygons with
n sides that would fit inside a circle of radius r;
these polygons, in turn, are drawn at the vertices of an imaginary
polygon with m sides that would fit inside a circle of radius
- Write function(s) (dashline line space lng) that draw
a dashed line of length lng along the turtle's current direction.
The line should begin with a drawn line of length line followed
by a blank region of length space, etc. until a dashed line
of exactly the length specified by lng has been drawn.
If drawing the last segment of the line would go
too far, shorten it to the right amount.
- Write a function (archimedes a degrees) to draw a
spiral of Archimedes: a curve whose equation in polar coordinates is
r = a * theta , where theta is in radians; such a
curve is formed as a string that is wrapped around a cylinder of
radius a is unwound. As the string is unwrapped by an amount
dtheta (dtheta denotes a small change to theta,
expressed in
radians), the radius r at which the curve is drawn increases by
a * dtheta; the incremental length of the arc is r * dtheta.
To draw the spiral, start with a drawing radius of 0;
move the turtle forward by the arc length, then turn and increase the
drawing radius. Use an auxiliary recursive function and continue
drawing until the angle equals the specified number of degrees.
- Modify your archimedes to produce another
function to draw a geometric spiral,
(spiral a degrees). Instead of adding a constant amount to the
radius each time, the radius should be multiplied by a constant amount
(slightly more than 1). Start with a radius of 10 and multiply the radius by
an amount a per revolution (hint: if there are n angle
steps per revolution (e.g., n = 360 for 1 degree steps),
the multiplier should be (expt a (/ 1 n))). Important: the
starting radius must be nonzero for the geometric spiral.
If you are interested in turtle graphics, you may enjoy the book
Turtle Geometry by Harold Abelson and Andrea diSessa, MIT Press, 1980.
D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1860-1948), in his book On Growth and Form,
describes how physical and geometric laws describe a wide variety of
phenomena in biology.