- Arithmetic:
+ - * / max min abs modulo
gcd lcm expt exp sqrt sin cos tan
atan asin acos log
- Control:
begin if cond case
do dotimes dolist while
map for-each every some
- Special:
define let let* quote
eval apply set! lambda
- List Structure:
null? pair? list?
car cdr cadr caddr
cons list append reverse
length memq memv member
assq assv assoc list-tail
list-ref copy-tree subst sublis
set-car! set-cdr! nconc nreverse
- Sets:
subset? intersection union set-difference subset
- Predicates and Logical:
and or not eq? eqv? equal?
= <= < <= > zero?
positive? negative? odd? even? number? integer?
rational? real? complex? boolean? symbol?
- Characters:
char-alphabetic? char-numeric? char-whitespace? char>?
char-upper-case? char-lower-case? char=? char
char<=? char>=? char-ci=? char-ci
char-ci>? char-ci<=? char-ci>=? char?
char-upcase char-downcase char->integer
- Strings:
string? string=? string string>?
string<=? string>=? string-ci=? string-ci
string-ci>? string-ci<=? string-ci>=? string->symbol
string-append make-string string-length string
string-ref string-set! string->list list->string
string-fill! string-copy substring symbol->string
- Vectors:
vector? make-vector vector vector-ref
vector-set! vector-length vector->list list->vector
- Input/Output:
write display newline
write-char read
open-input-file close-input-file input-port?
open-output-file close-output-file output-port?
- Write Scheme function(s) that will translate a Scheme expression
into an English phrase. Assume that the expression may contain functions
+ - * / sin cos; if the expression has two operands, conjoin them
with ``and''. Example:
(exp->english '(+ (sin x) (cos y)))
==> (the sum of the sine of x and the cosine of y)
- Write a Scheme program to calculate GPA from a list of sublists,
(course grade). Grades are letters, with A worth 4 grade points,
B 3 grade points, etc. Assume that the list is non-empty and that each course
counts the same. Example:
(gpa '((cs307 a) (psy301 c)))
==> 3.0
- Write a function (pay hours rates) where the data
formats are:
hours = ((name hours-worked) ...)
rates = ((name hourly-wage) ...).
For each entry in hours, look up the corresponding hourly wage
in the list rates (order is arbitrary), multiply hours worked and
hourly wage to get pay, and print name and pay. Example:
(pay '((smith 3)) '((jones 4.50) (smith 6.00)))
==> prints: smith 18.0
- Write function(s) (total items prices) that will compute
the total cost of a list of things that are purchased. items is
a list of sub-lists, items = ((dept item number) ...) giving
the department, name of item, and number of that item that were purchased.
prices is a list of item prices by department,
prices = ((dept (item price) ...) ...). Example:
(total '((clothing jeans 3)
(hardware wrench 2))
'((hardware (saw 9.95) (wrench 4.00))
(clothing (socks 2.50) (jeans 19.95))))
==> 67.85 [remember to multiply by number of items]
- Write a function (ngreater tree m) that will return
the number of numbers greater than m that appear in the given tree. Example:
(ngreater '(+ (* 88 x) (+ 3 7) (/ 17 z))
==> 3
- Write a function (deriv e var) that finds the derivative of
expression e with respect to a variable var. Assume
that the expression e may contain constants (numbers), variables
(symbols), and the binary operators + and *.
Use these rules, where d/dx is derivative with respect to x:
d/dx(x) = 1 (derivative of x with respect to x is one)
d/dx(v) = 0 (derivative of any variable v other than x
with respect to x is zero)
d/dx(c) = 0 (derivative of a constant is zero)
d/dx(u + v) = d/dx(u) + d/dx(v)
d/dx(u * v) = u * d/dx(v) + v * d/dx(u)
Note that in the last two cases you must make new list structure (a new formula)
as the result. Examples:
(deriv 'x 'x) ==> 1
(deriv 'y 'x) ==> 0
(deriv 5 'x) ==> 0
(deriv '(+ x 3) 'x) ==> (+ 1 0)
(deriv '(+ (* x 3) 7) 'x)
==> (+ (+ (* x 0) (* 3 1)) 0)
- Write a recursive function (english code) that will translate
Scheme code into English. Assume that the Scheme code can contain expressions
using binary operators + - * / = and Scheme functions set!
and if. Examples:
(english 'x) ==> (x)
(english '(+ x 7)) ==> (the sum of x and 7)
(english '(if (= (+ i j) 3) (set! k 7)))
==> (if the sum of i and j equals 3 then set k to 7)
- Write a function deep-reverse that will reverse not
only the top level of a list, but also any sub-lists it may
contain, recursively.
(deep-reverse '(((a b) c) d)) ==> (d (c (b a)))
- The genetic code is carried by DNA molecules. DNA is
composed of matched base pairs, where bases are represented
by the letters C, G, A, or T. C is always paired with G, and
A is always paired with T. We will represent a DNA fragment
as a list of the base letters of one side of the DNA helix.
The complement of a DNA sequence is a sequence of the
complementary letters (A-T, C-G) of the given sequence.
Write a function (complement dna) to compute the complement
of a given string. Use auxiliary functions if you wish.
(complement '(a a a g t g c)) ==> (t t t c a c g)
- A DNA sequence codes for a sequence of amino acids
that make up a protein. Each 3 letters of DNA code for one
amino acid. Write a function (protein dna codes) to compute the
sequence of amino acids specified by a DNA string. Assume
(define codes '(((A A A) Phe) ((A T A) Tyr) ((G T G) His)...)
gives the 3 DNA bases, followed by an abbreviation of the
amino acid for which they code, for all 3-base sequences.
(protein '(a a a g t g a t a) codes) = (Phe His Tyr)
- A restriction enzyme is a molecule that will bind to
a particular sequence of DNA bases, then cut the DNA at that
point. Write a function (restrict dna enzyme) that returns a
list of numbered locations at which a given dna string would
be cut by a given enzyme. If the enzyme matches the front
part of the dna, that would be location 0, etc. Both the dna
and the enzyme may be of arbitrary length. Example:
(restrict '(g t g a a a g t g a t a) '(t g a)) = (1 7)
----- -----
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- One way to determine a long DNA sequence is to break
it into shorter pieces, find the sequences of the pieces, and
then re-assemble the pieces based on areas where they overlap
with the same codes. Write function(s) (dnamatch one two) to
compute the first location at which the back part of list one
matches the front part of list two (return #f if no match).
Example: (dnamatch '(a a a g t g c) '(t g c g t g)) = 4
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----
(The sequence t g c matches beginning at position 4.)
Write a function (combine one two) that will produce a
combined DNA list given two lists that match as above. You may use
dnamatch in writing this function.
Example: (combine '(a a a g t g c)
'(t g c g t g))
= (a a a g t g c g t g)
- Write a function (evalexp expr vals) to interpret
(evaluate) an arithmetic expression. expr is an expression
that may contain operators + - * /; - may be binary
or unary. vals is an association list containing the values of
variables. Note: for this problem, you may not use the
functions sublis or eval; write an interpreter instead.
(evalexp '(+ a (* 3 b)) '((a . 7) (b . 8))) = 31
- A holiday mobile is either an ornament or a structure
(left ornament right) where left and right are
mobiles and ornament is an ornament. The weights of
ornaments are given by an association list, weights.
- Write function(s) (wlt scores) to determine the
number of wins, losses, and ties given a list of game scores,
each of which is (home-score opponent-score).
Example: (wlt '((14 7) (10 10) (21 24) (17 7)))
= (2 1 1) [2 wins, 1 loss, 1 tie]
- Write a function (evens tree) that returns the
product of all the even numbers in tree (which may contain
some non-numbers).
Example: (evens '(a (2 3 4) (b (5 6)))) = 48
- A robot mouse is to find a path through a maze.
Each junction in the maze is either #t (the exit from the
maze, which is the goal), #f (a wall blocking the mouse), or
a list (left center right) of junctions. Write function(s)
(mouse maze) to find a path through the maze. A path is a
list of directions for the mouse (left, center, or
Example: (mouse '((#f #f #t) #f (#f #f #f))) = (left right)
- A stack machine is a kind of computer CPU that uses
a stack for its internal storage. Write function(s) to
simulate a stack machine: (sm instructions memory). memory
is an association list ((variable value) ...). Use a list
called stack, initialized to empty list, for the internal
stack. instructions is a list of instructions:
(pushn n) put the number n onto the front of the stack
(pushv v) put the value of the variable v onto stack
(add) remove the top two elements from the stack,
add them, and put the result back on the stack
(mul) multiply (as above)
Return the top value on the stack.
Example: (sm '((pushv x) (pushn 7) (mul)) '((x 3))) = 21
- Write function(s) (code e) to generate code for the
stack machine from an arithmetic expression e using operators
+ and *. For variables or numbers, generate the appropriate
push instruction; otherwise, generate code for operands
first, then generate the appropriate operation.
Example: (code 'x) = ((pushv x))
(code '(+ x 3)) = ((pushv x) (pushn 3) (add))
(code '(* a (+ b 3)))
= ((pushv a) (pushv b) (pushn 3) (add) (mul))
- Write function(s) (backchain goal rules facts) to
try to prove a goal given a set of rules and facts. facts is
an association list ((var value) ...) that tells which
variables are known to be true or false. rules is a list of
rules of the form (conclusion premise1 ... premisen); each
rule states that the conclusion is true if all of the
premises are true. backchain should work as follows: if the
goal is known to be #t or #f based on the list
facts, return
that value. Otherwise, try rules to see if some rule has the
goal as conclusion and has premises that are true (using
Example: (backchain 'a '() '((a #t))) = #t
(backchain 'a '((a b)) '((b #t))) = #t
(backchain 'a '((a b c) (c d)) '((b #t) (d #t))) = #t
[the rules are "a is true if b and c are true",
"c is true if d is true"]
- Write a function (ship order inventory) that creates
a shipping list from an order and an inventory. Both order
and inventory are lists ((item quantity) ...). Return a list
of what was ordered, but without items that do not appear in
the inventory list, and limiting the number shipped to the
number actually in inventory.
(ship '((widgets 2) (gizmos 7) (thingies 14))
'((thingies 12) (widgets 5) (grommets 3)))
=> ((widgets 2) (thingies 12))
- Write a function (limit tree m) that makes a copy of
the tree, but replaces any number greater than m by m.
(limit '((9 to (5)) (spirit (of 76))) 7)
=> ((7 to (5)) (spirit (of 7)))
- A secret formula is composed of binary operators and
operands in Scheme notation. To protect a secret formula,
write a function (encrypt formula keylist) that exchanges the
operands of an operator if the element of keylist is a 1
but leaves the order unchanged if it is a 0. The first element
of keylist applies to the top level of the formula, etc.
(encrypt '(* (+ (/ a b) c) (- d (+ e f))) '(1 0 1))
=> (* (- d (+ f e)) (+ (/ b a) c))
- Write function(s) (starmatch pattern input) that
match a pattern list against an input list. The pattern list
may contain a single *, which matches any number of symbols
in the input list; the other symbols in the pattern and input
lists must be equal. If the pattern matches, return the
sublist of symbols that matches the *; otherwise, return
(starmatch '(i feel * today)
'(i feel wild and crazy today))
=> (wild and crazy)
- Write a psychiatrist program (doctor input patterns)
that responds to a patient's input using patterns. Use
starmatch to find a pattern whose input part matches; if no
pattern matches, return '(tell me more). Insert the matching
words into the output part of the pattern. To make the
output sound correct, you must invert pronouns: replace I
with you, my with your, myself with yourself.
(doctor '(i argued with my mother today)
'( ... ((i argued with * today)
(what did * say))...) )
=> (what did your mother say)
- Electric power distribution in Cons City is
structured as a binary tree. When lightning causes power
outages, the power company collects outage reports into a
tree structure (name lhs rhs) where name is a
substation and
lhs and rhs are subtrees or individual customers.
are #f if power is reported to be off, or #t otherwise.
The power company wants to find the highest node that has failed
and send a repair crew to fix it. A node has failed if both
of its subtrees have failed, or if one or both customers
below a bottom-level node are without power. Assuming all
outages are due to a single substation failure and there are
enough outage reports to identify it using the above rules,
write a function (failure tree) to return the name of the top
failing node, or #f if no failure.
(failure '(a (b #t #t) (d (e #f #f) (f #t #f))))
=> d
- An explorer wishes to retrieve a prize from a cave.
A cave is either a number > 0, representing the value of a
prize, or a list (dist cave1 ... caven) where dist is the
distance to the next junction and cave1 ... caven are the
prizes or sub-caves accessible from the junction. The
explorer cannot go deeper in the cave than the amount of rope
available. Write a program (prize cave rope) that returns
the maximum prize that the explorer can obtain.
(prize '(20 (10 5) (20 (10 100) 50) (20 40)) 45)
=> 50
- A database relation is a list of field names and
values, ((field value) ...). Write an interpreter (check
relation test) to evaluate a test for a relation. A test may
use binary operators and, or, =, or
>, or the unary operator not; the operator
= should be interpreted as equal? in
Scheme. A symbol within a test has the value of that field
in the relation. An item (quote value) within a relation
yields the specified value. Note: For this problem, you may
not use eval or sublis; write an interpreter
(check '((name john) (age 27) (sex m) (major cs))
'(and (= sex 'm) (> age 21)) )
=> #t
- Write a function (query database test), where
database is a list of relations, that returns a list of all
relations that satisfy the test. You may use check as above.
(query '(((name john) (sex m))
((name jill) (sex f)))
'(= sex 'f))
=> (((name jill) (sex f)))