A Scheme Tutor program, written by Ms. Sowmya Ramachandran and Gordon Novak, is available on the computers in the CS 307 labs. The program files can also be downloaded from the FTP Directory for Software and Scheme Tutor . You should download all the files in the directory /tutor/ to the directory /Plt/ where DrScheme resides.
The purpose of the tutor is to provide practice with some of the basic Scheme functions. Most of the problems presented by the tutor are questions from previous exams, so running the tutorials will help you to make a better grade.
The tutor provides specific instruction for some of the more common errors. The program also has some tutorial text that can be displayed at any time.
To satisfy the assignments using the tutor, run the assigned lesson to completion, then print the interaction screen and hand it in to your discussion section TA.
To run the Scheme Tutor,
If using MacGambit, load the file tutorial.scm .
(In MacGambit, remember that every answer given to the tutorial must be terminated by clover-return (hold down the ``clover'' key beside the space bar while pressing return). If you forget and hit return by itself (or if the computer just sits there and does not respond), do a clover-return to make it accept the answer.)
When the program presents a problem, you can give an answer; you can also give other commands: