A Scientist Should Be Careful, Skeptical
- Is the input data good? Garbage in, garbage out!
- Is the data source authoritative? ( Don't trust it!)
- Was the data measured accurately?
- How much noise does the data have?
- Was the data recorded accurately?
- Does the data mean what it is alleged to mean?
- Is the algorithm correct?
- Is the algorithm an accurate model of reality?
- Are the answers numerically accurate?
- Are the units of measurement correct?
- Is the data represented accurately?
- 32-bit int: 9 decimal digits
- 64-bit long: 19 decimal digits
- 32-bit float: 7 decimal digits ( avoid! )
Patriot missile: inaccurate float conversion caused range gate
error: 28 killed, 98 injured.
- 64-bit double: 15+ decimal digits
- Ariane 5: 64-bit double converted to 16-bit int:
overflowed, rocket exploded, $500 million loss.