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PageRank Example

Iterative PageRank converges fairly quickly for this net:[]

     A              B              C
1.00000000     1.00000000     1.00000000
1.00000000     0.57500000     1.42500000
1.36125000     0.57500000     1.06375000
1.05418750     0.72853125     1.21728125
1.18468906     0.59802969     1.21728125
1.18468906     0.65349285     1.16181809
1.13754537     0.65349285     1.20896178
1.17761751     0.63345678     1.18892571
1.16058685     0.65048744     1.18892571
1.16058685     0.64324941     1.19616374
1.16673918     0.64324941     1.19001141
1.16150970     0.64586415     1.19262615
1.16373223     0.64364162     1.19262615
1.16336914     0.64443188     1.19219898

The sum of PageRank values is the total number of pages. The value for each page is the expected number of times a random web surfer, who starts as many times as there are web pages, would land on that page.