Clicker Questions
1: O(n) loop followed by another O(n) loop
2: log(student wealth) / log(Bill Gates wealth)
3: How many bits in a word on your computer?
4: Can the national debt be stored in an int
5: time plot on log-log paper curves up
6: input size increases by 2, time by 8
7: What benefit does Integer provide
8: Integer is immutable ... what happens
9: Big O of int n = myarray.length;
10: int [] myarray = new int[1000]; storage
11: Integer [] myarray = new Integer[1000]; storage
11b: Are 3.0 and 0.3 represented exactly?
12: What is (cons '(a) '(b)) ?
13: What is (first '((a b) (c d))) ?
14: What is (rest '((a b) (c d))) ?
15: (rest (rest '((a b) (c d)))) ?
16: (length '((a b) (c d)) ) ?
17: (reverse '((a b) (c d)) ) ?
18: lst = cons( i, lst ); in a loop
19: runtime type of first(lst)
20: (append '(a b) '(c d)) ?
21: Big O of Cons lst = append(x, y);
22: ( lst == reverse(reverse(lst)) )
23: ( first(lst) == first(reverse(reverse(lst))) )
24: lst = append( list(i), lst ); in a loop
25: Big O of lst = append( list(i), lst ); in a loop
26: lst = append( lst, list(i) ); in a loop
27: Big O of lst = append( lst, list(i) ); in a loop
28: lst = cons( i, lst ); in a loop,
lst = nreverse(lst);
29: Big O of the above
30: after above, type of first(lst) as seen by the compiler
31: (intersection '(c r e a m) '(s u g a r))
32: (union '(c r e a m) '(s u g a r))
33: (set-difference '(c r e a m) '(s u g a r))
34: (intersection '(r a t) '(f i n k))
35: (set-difference '(r a t) '(f i n k))
36: on a Stack: (push 1) (push 2) (push 3) (pop) (pop) (push 4) (pop) (pop)
37: Big O of set intersection, done well?
38: on a Queue:
(insert 1) (insert 2) (insert 3) (remove) (remove) (insert 4) (remove) (remove)
39: Big O of sum += lst.get(i); on ArrayList
40: Big O of sum += lst.get(i); on LinkedList
41: Big O of for (Integer i : lst ) sum += i; on LinkedList
41b: Is every thing in the empty list (null) a number?
41c: Is some thing in the empty list (null) a number?
42: Java corresponding to tree
43: advantages of the first-child / next-sibling representation of trees
44: Big O of finding an item in a balanced BST
45: What kind of tree is most similar to our directory tree?
46: order in which nodes of tree are visited
in depth-first order
47: order in which nodes of tree are processed
in inorder
48: order in which nodes of tree are processed
in postorder
49: order in which nodes of tree are processed
in preorder
50: Why do binary search trees need to be balanced?
51: branching factor b for tree with n = 1,000,000,000 elements to have a depth d of 3?
52: how long does it take to read a record from a disc drive?
53: divide a 1 TB disc drive among all possible SSNs
54: ( list("a") == list("a") )
55: (subst 'crazy 'beauty '(beauty is as beauty does))
56: (sublis '((z 4) (y 3) (x 2)) '(* x y))
57: ( list("a").equals(list("a")) )
58: (match '(- ?x ?y) '(- w 3))
59: (match '(- ?x ?x) '(- w 3))
60: What is not true of .hashCode() in Java?
61: load factor (fullness) λ < 0.7 in a hash table
62: Big O of hashing when λ < 0.7
63: advantage of hashing with buckets
64: Big O of hashing with buckets
65: inserted into a min priority queue ((A, 2), (B, 3), (C, 1), (D, 2), (E, 1))
66: advantage of heap for storing priority queue
67: data structure used for a heap
68: What is not true about Insertion Sort?
69: What is true about Quicksort?
70: What is true about Heapsort?
71: number of possible graphs with n nodes
72: Suppose each user of Facebook has 1000 friends. Is that graph...
73: family tree (ancestry) as a graph
74: What does Prim's algorithm guarantee?
75: What does Dijkstra's algorithm produce?
76: What advantage might A* have over Dijkstra's Algorithm?
77: What does A* assume that Dijkstra does not?
78: What is true of heuristic functions for A*?
79: What kind of problem is MapReduce good for?