CS 343: Final Exam Study Guide

Exam Date: Friday, December 14, 2007, 2 - 5 PM in BUR 220

Reading: Russell and Norvig, Chapters 10, 22, 24.

Material on the Midterm Study Guide is also included.

Topics Covered in Class:

  1. Knowledge Representation: property list, semantic networks, frames, scripts, object-oriented programming, KM; comparisons of these methods with each other, with logic. Representing changes in the world over time; difficulties in this area. Representing plans; representing hypotheticals. Matching problem.
  2. Natural Language Processing: Grammars, kinds of grammar, generation, parsing; parsing complexity. Lexical ambiguity, grammatical ambiguity. ELIZA; semantic grammar; augmented transition networks; use of case relations; use of semantic markers and selection restrictions; Conceptual Dependency; difficulties in understanding natural language; pronoun resolution; referent identification; kinds of knowledge required for understanding natural language. Internal representations of meaning.
  3. Expert Systems: EMYCIN, rules, certainty factors, Bayes' Theorem, backward chaining, forward chaining, rule firing, OPS-5.
  4. Brain, Vision: Neurons, firing. artificial neurons, backpropagation. filters, line detectors, Hough transform.


afferent agreement ambiguity
anaphora aspect (progressive etc.) augmented transition net (ATN)
auxiliary verb axon backpropagation
bottom-up case frames case relations
certainty factor chart parser Chomsky hierarchy
class competence conceptual dependency
constituents context free context sensitive
continuous speech deep case deep structure
definite determiner definite reference demon
dendrite edge detector efferent
elision ELIZA excitatory
facet finite automaton fire (neuron)
fire (rule) frame frame problem
garden path sentence gender gender agreement
generator grammar hidden layer
high-pass filter histogram homographs
homophones Hough transform if-added method
if-needed method if-removed method indefinite determiner
indefinite reference inheritance inhibitory
input layer instance isa link
Kleene star lexical ambiguity lexicon
low-pass filter machine translation matching problem
McCullough-Pitts neuron message modal auxiliary
mood (declarative, etc.) voice (active, passive) morphological analyzer
morphology motor neuron
neurotransmitter nonterminal number (singular, plural)
number agreement output layer pandemonium model
parse tree parser part of speech
perceptron performance phoneme
phonology pixel pragmatics
preference semantics pretend it's English primitive act
procedural semantics production pronoun reference
propositional database recognizer referent identification
regular language retina rhetorical relations
root word rule script
selection restrictions semantic grammar semantic markers
semantic network semantics sensory
sentence symbol sigmoid slot
somatotopy sombrero filter suffix stripping
surface structure surface case synapse
syntactic ambiguity syntax tense
terminal symbol token top-down
top-down filtering transformation type 0
underlying verb Zipf's law