A* algorithm | add list | admissible |
algebraic simplification | alpha/beta search | AND node |
AND/OR graph | ||
assert | ||
atom or atomic formula | ||
average branching factor | ||
backward chaining | backward search | beam search |
blind search | ||
Boolean satisfiability (SAT) | ||
bounded depth-first | box | |
branching factor | breadth-first | |
clause | closed list | |
closed world assumption (CWA) | combinatoric explosion | complete |
conjunctive normal form (CNF) | consistent | |
constant | ||
constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) | credit assignment problem | |
decidable | deduction | |
delete list | depth bound | |
depth-first | diameter | difference |
effective branching factor | entail | evaluation function |
expand a node | ||
first-order logic | fluent | forward chaining |
frame problem | ||
game tree | genetic algorithm | |
goal state | GPS | ground instance |
heuristic function | ||
heuristic search | hill climbing | |
Horn clause | IDA* | |
inconsistent | ||
interpretation | invalid | iterative deepening |
literal | ||
local maxima | logical consequence | |
minimax | model | model checking |
modus ponens | negation as failure | |
non-monotonic logic | open list | |
operator | OR node | |
pattern matching | ply | |
precondition | predicate | predicate calculus |
primitive subproblem | problem reduction search | propositional logic |
quantifier | representation hypothesis | resolvent |
retract | rewrite rule | |
set of support | ||
Skolem constant | Skolem function | Skolemization |
sound | start state | |
state space | static evaluation function | |
steepest ascent | STRIPS operator | subproblem |
substitution | symbolic manipulation | |
table of connections | tautology | term |
truth maintenance system (TMS) | truth table | |
Turing test | unification algorithm | |
unifier | uniform cost search | unit clause |
unit preference | unsatisfiable | valid | well-formed formula (wff) |