; Example queries and results for Physics user=> (load-file "cs378/physics.clj") #'user/load-files user=> (load-files) #'user/physb user=> (load-file "cs378/physgramsol.clj") #'user/physb user=> (gramcom grammar) nil user=> (phys '(what is the area of a circle with radius = 2)) (calculate area (object circle (radius 2))) 12.566370614 user=> (phys '(what is the area of a circle with radius = 24 inches)) (calculate area (object circle (radius 0.6095999999999999))) 1.1674540318072664 user=> (phys '(what is the radius of a sphere with volume = 50)) (calculate radius (object sphere (volume 50))) 2.2853907486921896 user=> (phys '(what is the height of a fall with time = 4)) (calculate height (object fall (time 4))) 78.4532 user=> (phys '(what is the area in square-inches of a circle with radius = 3 inches)) (calculate (* area 6.4516E-4) (object circle (radius 0.07619999999999999))) 28.274333881499995 user=> (phys '(how does the area of a circle vary with radius)) (varywith circle area radius) square user=> (phys '(how does the force of gravitation vary with radius)) (varywith gravitation force radius) inverse-square user=> (phys '(how does the area of a circle vary if radius is doubled)) (varychg circle area ((radius 2.0))) 4.0 user=> (phys '(how does the area of a circle vary if radius is 1.5 times its previous value)) (varychg circle area ((radius 1.5))) 2.25