There are now a number of companies based on automated
program generation:
- Kestrel Institute / Reasoning Systems: Cordell Green,
Douglas Smith. Generation of programs
from formal specifications (predicate calculus, category theory).
Success with combinatoric search problems.
- SciComp (Austin): Elaine Kant. Generation of code to
simulate systems of differential equations. Originally seismic analysis,
now evaluation of derivative securities.
- Semantic Designs (Austin): Ira Baxter. Use of advanced
program manipulation to improve commercial software.
- Intentional Software Corp.: Charles Simonyi. Goal is to
produce advanced software tools for programmers to use.
- NASA Ames: Automated Software Engineering: Mike Lowry.
Use of predicate calculus representation of scientific subroutines
to find ways to use the subroutines to accomplish a goal in
spacecraft navigation and control.