Partial evaluation is a powerful unifying technique that describes many operations in computer science.
The notation [[ P ]] L denotes running a program P in language L. Suppose that int is an interpreter for a language S and source is a program written in S. Then:
output | = | [[ source ]] s [ input ] |
= | [[ int ]] [ source, input] | |
= | [[ [[ mix ]] [ int, source] ]] [ input] | |
= | [[ target ]] [ input ] | |
Therefore, target = [[ mix ]] [ int, source] .
target | = | [[ mix ]] [ int, source] |
= | [[ [[ mix ]] [ mix, int ] ]] [ source] | |
= | [[ compiler ]] [ source ] | |
Thus compiler = [[ mix]][ mix,int]
= [[ cogen]][ int]
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