Re-Proving the Coding Interview

30 Apr 2022 | Once more, with feeling

This is the third of a three part series: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Welcome back to the final installment of Proving The Coding Interview! In the previous article we completed our verification of the venerable Fizzbuzz() interview question by implementing a nat-to-string conversion function method. That helper was correct but suboptimal in terms of performance, and not really structured the way a developer would really implement it in an OOP language.

Since we’re already familiar with Dafny by now, I thought it’d be fun to port an actual, real world int-to-string conversion routine to Dafny. In particular, our implementation’ll be heavily drawn from Java’s Integer.toString() implementation. Our version will be slightly simplified – we’ll elide some of the more esoteric bitwise-twiddling hacks – but the broad strokes will be the same.

Why implement this a second time?

Some of you might rightfully be wondering what’s going to be different this time around. What’s the value in looking at the same problem twice?

Last time we begun with an English-language representation of the interview problem and concluded with ntos(), a declarative specification that Dafny could still compile down into executable code. Here, we imagine a different style of interview: One could imagine defining the problem in terms of supplying the specification and asking the candidate to build a refined implementation, maybe with some performance constraints like improving time complexity or minimising the number of reallocations.


Here’s our specification from last time and our implementation’s skeleton. I’ve added some comments outlining the major components, and written a single postcondition: whatever the function returns must match what the specification would have!

// Specifies how to convert a natural number to a string
function ntos(n: nat): string
    ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < |ntos(n)| ==> '0' <= ntos(n)[i] <= '9'
    if n < 10
    // Base case: A nat on [0, 10) is just one character long.
    then [dtoc(n)]
    // Inductive case: Compute all but the last character, then append the final one at the end
    else ntos(n/10) + [dtoc(n % 10)]

// Implements compilable code that behaves equvialently to `ntos()`
method NatToString(n: nat) returns (ret: string)
    // The implementation's external behaviour must match the specification's,
    // even though internally the two will look very different from each other!
    ensures ret == ntos(n)
    //1. Preallocate an array of size equal to the number of digits of `n`.

    //2. Work backwards from the end of the array, filling in each digit in turn...
    //  a. Fast path when n >= 2^16: write two digits per iteration.
    //  b. Slow path when n < 2^16: write one digit per iteration.

Remember that because we want this code to actually run, we’re writing NatToString() as a method rather than a function. Similarly, ntos() should now be only ghost code, so I’ve reverted it back to a function instead of a function method.

Looking at the comment pseudocode, already we can see a bunch of implementation details that are absent from the specification: Rather than building up the string by concatenating substrings each time, we’ll compute how much memory we need in advance and then write digits into each element.

Also, our business logic is more complicated: our specification doesn’t indicate that larger nats should be processed differently than smaller ones, but our specific implementation will.

Step 1: Preallocating the array of characters

Our first task is to allocate an array of characters big enough to hold our nat’s digits. In a conventional programming language, we might write something like new char[int(log10(n) + 1)], but – surprise! – Dafny doesn’t have a log10() function. Instead, let’s write some code to iteratively compute how long the array needs to be. We could implement this right in NatToString() but it’s always nice to pull it out into a helper method, which I’m calling StringSize().

method StringSize(n: nat) returns (digits: nat)
    // TODO: What should the specification be for this method?
    // TODO: What should the implementation be for this method?

It’s not enough to just write this method; we want to know that it satisifies some formal specification. What can we say about a good specification for StringSize()? At first blush it might feel as though we need to write an entire functional reimplementation of it as we did with ntos(). I can hear you groaning already. But we can actually reuse ntos(): whatever string it returns would be of a certain length, and that’s exactly the value we want StringSize() to return! So, our specification for StringSize() should state that its return value equals the length of the string returned by ntos().

method StringSize(n: nat) returns (digits: nat)
    ensures digits == |ntos(n)| // recall that |s| is the length of s
    // TODO: What should the implementation be for this method?

Something that’s really cool about this line of thinking is that, even though ntos() is ghost code, we were able to make use of properties of its return value (like its length) in other ghost clauses. So long as we’re operating in the “ghost world” of our specification, we can almost treat it like an ordinary, traditional “function” that we can call! Hopefully you can start to see that in general a specification is like “a library of ghost code” that a verifier can make use of throughout a larger program.

What’s more, using ntos() multiple times in different contexts increases our confidence that it accurately models our implementation, since there are more opportunities for an incorrect spec to get trapped in a contradiction elsewhere in our correctness proof.

All right, it’s now time to write the body of StringSize(). This was my first attempt; this is probably what I’d have scribbled on a whiteboard if someone had asked me to do it in an interview. Bad news for my future job prospects: I didn’t get it right on the first try. In fact, made the same mistake twice in two different places. Can you spot it?

method StringSize(n: nat) returns (digits: nat)
    ensures digits == |ntos(n)|

    // We start with i, a natural number of a certain number of digits.
    var i: nat := n;
    digits := 0;

    while i > 0
        // Since each time through the loop we divide out one digit from `i` and
        // add one to `digits`, this formula should always hold.  ...Or does it?
        invariant digits + |ntos(i)| == |ntos(n)|
        digits := digits + 1;
        i := i / 10;

    // We end having incremented `digits` once for every digit in `i`, so
    // digits must be equal to how many digits `i` began with.

My first mistake was a little bit embarrasing: the case where n == 0 is flat-out wrong! We’ll never increment digits, so we’ll report that the string representation of the number zero is itself of length zero, when of course it should be of length one (since len("0") == 1!).

The second place is more interesting. Dafny tells me that my loop invariant is not always maintained, and gives me the following counterexample where it breaks:

        n : int = 7
        i : int = 0
        digits : int = 1

Since i == 0, we know the counterexample has to do when the loop guard is false and we’re about to break out and return. What’s happening here is: After dealing with the one’s place and dividing i to become zero, digits increases but the length of ntos(i) will not decrease, since ntos(0) is not a shorter string than ntos(7)!

We can solve this either by making the loop invariant more complicated or by handling the 1s place outside the loop; I chose the latter.

method StringSize(n: nat) returns (digits: nat)
    ensures digits == |ntos(n)|
    var i: nat := n;
    digits := 0;

    while i >= 10 // Handle the 10s, 100s, 1000s, etc. cases
        invariant digits + |ntos(i)| == |ntos(n)|
        digits := digits + 1;
        i := i / 10;
    digits := digits + 1; // Handle the 1s case outside the loop to keep the invariant simpler.

Here we see an interesting design tradeoff: in order for the verifier to properly understand our code we had to either make the implementation gnarlier or the spec gnarlier. Which of the two’s simplicity should be sacrificed? As with all complicated things in life, the answer is that it depends. Sometimes contorting a specification even slightly can cause verification times to explode nonlinearly. Conversely, contorting an implementation might end up in the unfortunate place where the verifier – but only the verifier – understands what the heck the code is even doing!

And it depends on not just technical concerns but social ones, too. What do you and your team prioritize? In what does your team’s expertise lie, and is that expertise evenly distributed within the team? And who’s going to be reading and maintaining your code six months from now, and what will they prioritize?

Step 2: Digit calculation

All right! With step 1 completed we are now able to correctly allocate the char array that will hold our string’s characters. Let’s look at what we can fill in so far:

method NatToString(n: nat) returns (ret: string)
    // The implementation's return value must match the specification's
    ensures ret == ntos(n)
    //1. Preallocate an array of size equal to the number of digits of `n`.
    var len := StringSize(n);
    var chars : array<char> := new char[len];

    //2. Work backwards from the end of the array, filling in each digit in turn.
    var i: nat := n;
    var charPos: nat := len;

    //  a. Fast path when i >= 2^16: write two digits per iteration.
    while ...
        // TODO: i /= 100 and charPos -= 2 on each iteration...

    //  b. Slow path when 0 <= i < 2^16. write one digit per iteration.
    while ...
        // TODO: i /= 10 and charPos -= 1 on each iteration...

    assert charPos == 0;
    assert chars[..] == ntos(n);

    ret := chars[..]; // slice the entire char array into the return string.

Here, we’ll have two variables that get modified the fast path and slow path loops: i is the current value that we’re writing into the chars array, and charPos refers to the first character of our partially-completed string.

Okay, here’s the easy part: let’s take the Java implementation (lines 355-373 of and just transliterate it into Dafny. The only real change for us is that nats in Dafny don’t have left-shift operators, so I’ll simply turn those subexpressions into their equivalent multiplication by a power of two. (Arguably, a good compiler should be able to do that transformation for us anyway!)

    var onesPlace := "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
    var tensPlace := "0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999";

    //2.1. Fast path when i >= 2^16: write two digits per iteration.
    while i >= 65536
        // TODO: what should our loop invariants be?

        var q := i / 100;
        var r := i - ((q * 64) + (q * 32) + (q * 4)); // Originally r = i - ((q << 6) + (q << 5) + (q << 2))

        assert r == i - (q * 100);

        chars[charPos - 1] := onesPlace[r];
        chars[charPos - 2] := tensPlace[r];

        charPos := charPos - 2;

        i := q;

    //2.2. Slow path when i < 2^16. write one digit per iteration.
    while true
        // TODO: what should our loop invariants be?
        var q := (i * 52429) / (524288);  // Originally q = (i * 52429) >>> (16+3);
        var r := i - ((q * 8) + (q * 2)); // Originally r = i - ((q << 3) + (q << 1))

        chars[charPos - 1] := onesPlace[r];
        charPos := charPos - 1;

        i := q;
        if i == 0 {

In the original Java code, there’s something amusing on line 358: there’s a comment following some gnarly bit-twiddling that says “here’s an equivalent, simpler expression”. In Dafny we don’t have to leave this as a comment: I translated that comment into an assert clause, which the verifier will prove and block compilation if it could ever not hold!

Coming up with our loop invariants

Unsurprisingly, just like with Fizzbuzz() and StringSize(), Dafny needs some help understanding how our loops relate to our final postcondition. Unlike those methods, though, we’ll need to supply it with more than one loop invariant.

Let’s sketch out how this method might operate over some concrete input, like the nat 1234567: First, it will allocate an array of length 7. Since n is larger than 2^16, we’ll execute the fast path first. Upon entering the loop for the first time, our state looks like this:

              ntos(i) = |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|
n = 1234567             ._._._._._._._.
i = 1234567     chars = | | | | | | | |
                                      ^--- charPos

On the second iteration, we’ll have shaved two digits off of i, and populated the final two values of chars:

              ntos(i) = |1|2|3|4|5|
n = 1234567             ._._._._._._._.
i = 12345       chars = | | | | | |6|7|
                                  ^--- charPos

At this point, the fast path condition is no longer satisfied, so we’ll enter the slow path, in which case we shave one digit off i and populate one more value of chars:

              ntos(i) = |1|2|3|4|
n = 1234567             ._._._._._._._.
i = 1234        chars = | | | | |5|6|7|
                                ^--- charPos

And we keep iterating until i == 0; namely, we are out of digits to write into chars!

n = 1234567             ._._._._._._._.
i = 0           chars = |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|
                        ^--- charPos

At this point we can start to see the invariant brewing! In each of these figures, the string representation of whatever i is, concatenated with whatever we’ve filled into chars (namely, from the index at charPos to the end of the string), is the string representation of n. Hey, that’s what the whole method is supposed to compute! So, our main loop invariant is:

method NatToString(n: nat) returns (ret: string)
    //  a. Fast path when i > 2^16: write two digits per iteration.
    while i >= 65536
        invariant ntos(i) + chars[charPos..] = ntos(n)

    //  b. Slow path when i <= 2^16. write one digit per iteration.
    while true
        invariant ntos(i) + chars[charPos..] = ntos(n)

At this point we’re almost home. The above is the only loop invariant that requires any real creativity on our parts; Dafny is pretty specific about the remaining things it can’t figure out without our help. Concretely, it tells us it’s confused on two minor points: because we index into chars with a variable that isn’t our loop variable i, we need to remind Dafny that charPos will always be in bounds. And because the slow path’s loop guard strangely doesn’t involve i, we need to tell Dafny how the loop will terminate: that the loop gets closer to terminating as i gets smaller. So, our final Dafny method is:

method NatToString(n: nat) returns (ret: string)
    // The implementation's return value must match the specification's
    ensures ret == ntos(n)
    //1. Preallocate an array of size equal to the number of digits of `n`.
    var len := StringSize(n);
    var chars : array<char> := new char[len];

    //2. Work backwards from the end of the array, filling in each digit in turn.
    var i: nat := n;
    var charPos: nat := len;

    var onesPlace := "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
    var tensPlace := "0000000000111111111122222222223333333333444444444455555555556666666666777777777788888888889999999999";

    //2.1. Fast path when i >= 2^16: write two digits per iteration.
    while i >= 65536
        invariant charPos <= len
        invariant ntos(i) + chars[charPos..] == ntos(n)

        var q := i / 100;
        var r := i - ((q * 64) + (q * 32) + (q * 4)); // Originally r = i - ((q << 6) + (q << 5) + (q << 2))

        assert r == i - (q * 100);

        chars[charPos - 1] := onesPlace[r];
        chars[charPos - 2] := tensPlace[r];

        charPos := charPos - 2;

        i := q;

    //2.2. Slow path when i < 2^16. write one digit per iteration.
    while true
        invariant 0 <= charPos <= len;
        invariant ntos(i) + chars[charPos..] == ntos(n)
        decreases i;
        var q := (i * 52429) / (524288);  // Originally q = (i * 52429) >>> (16+3);
        var r := i - ((q * 8) + (q * 2)); // Originally r = i - ((q << 3) + (q << 1))

        chars[charPos - 1] := onesPlace[r];
        charPos := charPos - 1;

        i := q;
        if i == 0 {

    ret := chars[..]; // Slice the entire array as the return string

    assert charPos == 0;
    assert ret == ntos(n);

The home stretch: integrating it into Fizzbuzz()

…Hey, remember that we were trying to write Fizzbuzz() at some point?

What’s the very last change we need to do? Why, get rid of the TODO string assignment and replace it with a method call into NatToString()!

At long, long last, here’s our final, complete Fizzbuzz():

method Fizzbuzz(n: int) returns (ret: array<string>)
requires n >= 0
ensures n == ret.Length
ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < n ==> i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 != 0 ==> ret[i] == "fizz"
ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < n ==> i % 3 != 0 && i % 5 == 0 ==> ret[i] == "buzz"
ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < n ==> i % 15 == 0              ==> ret[i] == "fizzbuzz"
ensures forall i :: 0 <= i < n ==> i % 3 != 0 && i % 5 != 0 ==> ret[i] == ntos(i)
    ret := new string[n];

    var j := 0;
    while j < n
    invariant 0 <= j <= n
    invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < j ==> i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 != 0 ==> ret[i] == "fizz"
    invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < j ==> i % 3 != 0 && i % 5 == 0 ==> ret[i] == "buzz"
    invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < j ==> i % 15 == 0              ==> ret[i] == "fizzbuzz"
    invariant forall i :: 0 <= i < j ==> i % 3 != 0 && i % 5 != 0 ==> ret[i] == ntos(i)
        var curr : string;
        curr := [];

        var curr_modified : bool;
        curr_modified := false;

        if (j % 3 == 0) {
            curr := curr + "fizz";
            curr_modified := true;
        if (j % 5 == 0) {
            curr := curr + "buzz";
            curr_modified := true;

        if (curr_modified) {
            ret[j] := curr;
        } else {
            ret[j] := NatToString(j); // Booyah!

        j := j + 1;

…and here’s our final implementation running, functionally identical to our version from the end of the previous post:

$ ~/code/dafny/Binaries/Dafny Fizzbuzz.dfy && dotnet Fizzbuzz.dll | head -n 20

Dafny program verifier finished with 10 verified, 0 errors
Compiled assembly into Fizzbuzz.dll

Your turn:

Thanks so much for making it to the end of this series of posts! Let me leave you with a suggestion to extend this code if you’re so inclined: This whole time we’ve been using BigInteger-style nats to represent numbers. In the previous post I mentioned that implementation code can operate on fixed-width machine datatypes, which we might want for performance reasons, while the specification can still speak about unbounded nats instead. In this way, the specific representation of n is an implementation detail, just like the precise algorithm that we use to compute the string’s elements; this also means ntos() could specify the behaviour for all of UInt32ToString(), UInt16ToString() or UInt64ToString().

Concretely: Try changing the argument of NatToString() to take an argument of type bv32 instead - this is a bitvector of 32 bits. This will let you use the bitwise operators in the Java implementation that we had to turn into multiplication, making the Dafny code look even closer to the original. You shouldn’t need to change anything inside ntos() but you might have to modify your method’s postconditions to satisfy the typechecker.

Happy trails and happy proving!

Thanks to Sammy Thomas, Cole Vick, and Dani Wang for debugging assistance and feedback on early drafts of this post!