Next: PLAPACK FORTRAN-C interface
Up: General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
Previous: General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
The FORTRAN level-3 BLAS call for this operation is
is replaced by S, D, C, or Z
to indicate the datatype of the data (single, double, complex, double precision complex).
Parameters TRANSA and TRANSB indicate if A and/or B
are to be (conjugate) transposed in the operation
and can take on values "No transpose", "Transpose", or "Conjugate transpose".
Parameters M, N, and K hold the matrix dimensions
m , n , and k , respectively.
Parameters ALPHA and BETA hold the scaling factors
. Parameters A, B, and C equal the
addresses of where the matrices A , B , and C start in
memory. The leading dimensions of the matrices are given in
LDA, LDB, and LDC.
Next: PLAPACK FORTRAN-C interface
Up: General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
Previous: General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication