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Previous: Symmetric Rank-2k Update
The FORTRAN level-3 BLAS call for this operation is
is replaced by S, D, C, or Z
to indicate the datatype of the data (single, double, complex, double precision complex).
Parameter UPLO indicates if C is stored in the upper
or lower triangular portion of array c.
Parameter TRANS indicates if the first operation (when TRANS="No transpose") or the second operation
(when TRANS="Transpose") is to be
Parameter N indicates the dimension of square matrix C .
The ``other'' dimension of A and B is given in parameter K.
Parameters ALPHA and BETA hold the scaling factors
. Parameters A, B, and C equal the
addresses of where the matrices A , B, and C start in
memory. The leading dimensions of the matrices are given in
LDA, LDB, and LDC.
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Previous: Symmetric Rank-2k Update