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Much like MPI provides the MPI_Init call to initialize
the environment and MPI_Finalize to exit,
the PLAPACK infrastructure is initialized by calling
Here the parameter comm equals an MPI communicator with
a two dimensional topology. This communicator becomes the
base communicator for all communication in PLAPACK.
By passing in
MPI_COMM_NULL as the base communicator,
one can allow the underlying system to generate an appropriate
communicator with
two-dimensional topology from
Not surprisingly, PLAPACK is exited by calling
Since an application may wish to use a number of packages, each
of which themselves may use PLAPACK, we provide an inquiry routine
to check if PLAPACK has already been initialized:
Return value initialized equals FALSE(= 0) if PLAPACK is
not yet initialized and TRUE( ) if it is.
One may wish to inquire the PLAPACK environment for the
communicator used during initialization. For this we provide the routine
We provide two utility routines for a
communicator with a two-dimensional topology
from a communicator with a one-dimensional topology:
Notice that the ratio given in ratio need not be attainable:
it is only a suggestion.
Next: 2.2 Distribution Templates
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Previous: 2 Templates and Linear