Next: 2.2.2 Template destruction
Up: 2.2 Distribution Templates
Previous: 2.2 Distribution Templates
Initializing the template is accomplished with a call to
the routine
Creation of the template uses the PLAPACK base communicator
passed to PLA_Init, a
distribution blocking size
for the inducing vector, nb, and an indication of whether
indexing starts at 0 or 1 , given in zero_or_one.
The result of this operation is an
template, which (in our implementation) is a pointer
(handle) to
a data structure that encodes the information about the
mapping of vectors and
matrices to the node mesh.
Note: In the future, we expect to accommodate much more general
distributions than achieved by this simple template
creation call.
Next: 2.2.2 Template destruction
Up: 2.2 Distribution Templates
Previous: 2.2 Distribution Templates