SP2 System Performance Metrics
cpu_user_utilization : cpu percentage allocated for the user (mean, std)
cpu_kernel_utilization : cpu percentage allocated for the kernel (mean, std)
cpu_wait : cpu percentage spent waiting (mean, std)
cpu_idle : cpu percentage spent idling (mean, std)
cswitch : the number of context or task switches
syscalls : the number of calls made into kernel services
pagefaults : the number of page faults
total_xfers : the number of DMA transfers to all disks
blocks_read : the number of blocks of data read from all disks
blocks_written : the number of blocks of data written to all disks
ip_packets_rcvd : the number of IP protocol packets received
ip_packets_sent : the number of IP protocol packets sent
sending_time : time spent sending data
receiving_time : time spent receiving data
broadcasting_time : time spent broadcasting data
barrier_time : time spent in a barrier primitives
allreducing_time : time spent in all reduce MPI primitives