CS343: Artificial Intelligence -- Spring 2010: Assignments Page

Assignments for Artificial Intelligence (cs343)

Week 1: Introduction (1/19,21)

Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook - Chapter 1 through the end of Section 1.1 (Rest of chapter 1 is optional - I recommend at least skimming it)
  • Textbook - Chapter 2
  • For your response, select one real or imaginable agent not discussed in class or in the readings, give a PEAS description of the task environment, and characterize it in terms of the properties listed in Section 2.3.2.
  • Send your response as ASCII text (not encoded in any way) to pstone@cs.utexas.edu and urieli@cs.utexas.edu with subject: "class readings for 1/21".
  • As indicated on the course overview page, your response should be well-thought-out, coherent, and concise. Quality of written expression will be a factor in the grading (use full sentences). Short, to-the-point answers are preferred. For full credit, your email should be sent by 10pm on Wednesday, 1/20.
  • Programming: Due 12:30pm on Tuesday, 1/19

  • If you don't have a CS UNIX account (e.g. because you're a non-CS major), sign up for a temporary account IMMEDIATELY! It will take several days for the account to be activated. Also, please be aware that the account will expire and completely disappear two weeks into the summer semester.
  • Programming: Due 12:30pm on Thursday, 1/28
  • Python tutorial. This tutorial should be submitted with the assignment name cs343-0-tutorial using these submission instructions.

  • Week 2: Search (1/26,28)

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook - Chapter 3 through the end of Section 3.4
  • Include in your response a solution to at least one exercise from the end of the chapter
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook - Rest of Chapter 3
  • Include in your response a solution to at least one exercise from the end of the chapter
  • Programming: Due 12:30pm on Thursday, 2/11
  • Search assignment. This search assignment should be submitted with the assignment name cs343-1-search using these submission instructions. Details regarding what to submit are inside the assignment's description.

  • Week 3: Beyond Classical Search(2/2,4)

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook - Chapter 4 through the end of Section 4.3
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook - Rest of Chapter 4
  • Include in your response a solution to at least one exercise from the end of the chapter.

  • Week 4: Adversarial Search (2/9,11)

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 5
  • Include in your response a solution to at least one exercise from the end of the chapter.
  • Programming: Due 12:30pm on Thursday, 2/25
  • Multiagent assignment. This multiagent assignment should be submitted with the assignment name cs343-2-multiagent using these submission instructions. Details regarding what to submit are inside the assignment's description.

  • Week 5: Probability (2/16,18)

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 13 through the end of Section 13.5 (and 13.6 if you'd like: Wumpus World is defined in Section 7.2)
  • Include in your response a solution to at least one exercise from the end of the chapter.
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook Chapter 14 through the end of Section 14.2

  • Week 6: Utilities and MDPs (2/23,25)

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 16 through the end of Section 16.3
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook Chapter 17 through the end of Section 17.3
  • Programming: Due 12:30pm on Thursday, 3/25
  • Reinforcement learning assignment. This assignment should be submitted with the assignment name cs343-3-reinforcement using these submission instructions. Details regarding what to submit are inside the assignment's description.

  • Week 7: Reinforcement Learning (3/2,4)

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 21 through the end of Section 21.3
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook - Rest of Chapter 21
  • Include in your response a solution to at least one exercise from the end of the chapter, but also respond in at least one other way.

  • Week 8: Midterm (3/9,11)

    Jump to the resources page.

    In-class Mid-term on Tuesday - no readings

  • Complete the midterm course evaluation survey by Wednesday night at 10pm

  • Week 9: Bayesian Networks (3/23,25):

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 14 through the end of Section 14.4.1. (Through the end of 14.2 is review from Week 5.)
  • The rest of section 14.4 is optional (I suggest just skimming it).
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook Section 14.5.
  • Textbook Section 14.7. (You can skim this part - it is mainly to address the earlier questions about what alternatives there are to probabilistic models of uncertainty).
  • Programming: Due 12:30pm on Thursday, 4/15
  • Tracking assignment. This assignment should be submitted with the assignment name cs343-4-tracking using these submission instructions. Details regarding what to submit are inside the assignment's description.

  • Week 10: Probabilistic Reasoning over Time (3/30,4/1):

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday

  • None
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook Chapter 15 through the end of Section 15.3.

  • Week 11: Particle Filters (4/6,8):

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 15.5 and 15.6.
  • Textbook Section 15.4 is optional.

  • Week 12: Learning Probabilistic Models (4/13,15):

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 20 through the end of Section 20.2.
  • The chapter refers frequently to Chapter 18. If you're not at all familiar with machine learning terms, it may help you to read parts of that chapter first (which will also save you time when they are assigned next week). In particular:
  • Section 18.1 and 18.2 (p. 693-697) introduce some general terminology.
  • The restaurant/wait-for-table example is introduced in Section 18.3.1 and Figure 18.2 (p. 698).
  • The concept of overfitting is introduced on p. 705.
  • i.i.d is defined on p. 708.
  • You can skim 20.2.3 if you're not comfortable with reasoning about continuous distributions (e.g. Gaussians).
  • 20.2.5 is just an overview without all the details - do your best.
  • Textbook Section 20.3 is optional.
  • Programming: Due 12:30pm on Thursday, 4/29
  • classification assignment. This assignment should be submitted with the assignment name cs343-5-classification using these submission instructions. Details regarding what to submit are inside the assignment's description.

  • Week 13: Supervised Learning (4/20,22):

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • The following parts of Textbook Chapter 18:
  • Through the end of Section 18.2
  • Section 18.4
  • Section 18.6 except Section 18.6.2
  • Section 18.7 through the end of 18.7.2.
  • Skim Sections 18.3, 18.5.
  • Sections 18.6.2 and 18.7.3-18.7.5 are optional
  • Readings: Due Thursday (email response due Wednesday at 10pm)
  • Textbook Sections 18.8, 18.9, and 18.11.
  • Section 18.10 is optional.

  • Everything below this line is still tentative

    Week 14: Classical Planning (4/27,29):

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapter 10. (Focus on Sections 10-10.3)

  • Week 15: Philosophical Foundations (5/4,6):

    Jump to the resources page.

    Readings: Due Tuesday (email response due Monday at 10pm)

  • Textbook Chapters 26 and 27

  • Final Exam (5/12):

    The final exam for this class will be on Wed., May 12th from 2-5pm

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    Page maintained by Peter Stone
    Questions? Send me mail