As we answer various questions regarding the 2D simualator, UvA Trilearn 2003, Brainstormers, the Austin Villa Coach rcssjava code release, etc, and how these all interact with regards to various projects, we will post the relevant information here.
Is there something missing? Something you want to add? Email us, and we'll add it.
- Automating Games for Doing Experiments
The Austin Villa Coach rcssjava package can be used to create a "trainer". A trainer can change the game state and move the players around on the field. In that way, it could be used to simulate repeated games. See rcssjava.trainer.Trainer. Also, the soccer server manual can tell you all of the commands available to a trainer. (No guarantees on how helpful/time-effective it will be to use it, but it should work).
- UvA Trilearn
- UvA Trilearn 2003 base code documentation
- UvA Trilearn 2003 user manual
- Problem: In trying to use the BasicCoach to send messages to the players, a student tried to send "ACT->sendMessage("(say hello)");" and "ACT->sendCommand(SoccerCommand(CMD_SAY, "hello"));" in the mainLoopNormal method of BasicCoach.cpp. An error message of "(0,0) (error could_not_parse_say)" is returned.
Advice: It is likely if the player generated the error message that the players you are using are not equipped to parse the message that the coach is sending. We recommended that the student look in the code for where the "could_not_parse_say" message was generated.
Solution: On line 918 of rcss_11/rcssserver-11.1.2/src/coach.cpp, the server is trying to parse the (say ... ) message into the standardized coaching language. The grammar for this language is specified in rcss_11/rcssserver-11.1.2/tools/clangparser/README. As such, "ACT->sendMessage("(say (freeform \"hello\"))");" should be used. The players will hear the message in SenseHandler::analyzeCoachMessage (line 706 of SenseHandler.cpp), and the players will actually hear "online_coach_left (freeform "hello"))".
- Austin Villa Coach rcssjava Package
- Problem: clang files are demanded at runtime.
Solution: Get some examples to use. Either go to and download the binary with advice, or execute "find /projects/agents4/knox/ -name \*clang" on a UTCS machine (recommended).
- Austin Villa Coachable Players
- Coachable players can be found here by clicking on the 'Coach' link. The Austin Villa 2006 coach code can be found at /projects/agents4/ on UTCS machines. You should put the "coach/" subfolder under your "rcssjava/" folder. You can then view the class in as a starting point for your development.
- Some students were experiencing the following error at runtime: ./villa_player: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by ./villa_player). Compiling saymsglib from source was recommended (they are available here). One group did eventually get the Coachable players to run.
- Other Coachable Players
- Patrick Riley's coachable players can be found here, and his coaching resources can be found here. (Note: I don't beleive anyone has actually gotten these players working on UTCS.)
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Katie Genter
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