for Autonomous Multiagent Systems (cs344M)
You may not need to install the 2D simulator on a local machine. However, if you would like to work remotely and have a slow connection, you should look into installing the RoboCup Soccer Server System on your local machine. We will be using version 11 for this class. There are tarred, gzipped versions of the version 11 2D server components at /projects/cs344M.pstone/rcss_11/ or you can get them from . If you'd like to install the 2D server on your laptop or home machine, there are instructions at for installing version 12 that should also be helpful in installing version 11. There are also instructions at for installing version 10 that might be helpful. Mac users, please look at this installation guide. Note: we have not verified that any of these installation instructions work, but they have worked for students in past semesters. Send mail the list if you come across problems - perhaps someone else is having the same problem.
% ps aux | grep rcssIf someone is on, you will see a line with the word "rcssserver" in it.
% xhost where 'a' is the name of the machine you are using.
% rcsoccersim
% cd /projects/cs344M.pstone/sampleclient % ./client Type "(init myteam (version 11))" [instead of myteam, use your own name] and watch the new agent's sensory information stream by. Kill the client (ctrl-C).
% ./client > ~/myteam.out Type "(init myteam (version 11))" and see a 2nd agent appear on the field. Type "(move -10 0)" and see the player move onto the field. Press the "kickoff" button on the simulator window. Type "(turn 45)" and see the player turn. Type "(turn -45)" and see the player turn back. Type "(dash 100)" and see the player move. Type "(dash 100)" several more times until the player is next to the ball. Type "(kick 100 0)" and see the ball move towards the goal. NOTE: If you don't get the player to the ball by cycle 200, it will jump back to where it started. If you can't enter the dashes quickly enough, you can try again, modifying the "(move -10 0)" command above to something like "(move -3 0)" so that the player begins at kickoff closer to the ball. Notice that all this time, the clock at the top of the simulator has been running. When you kicked off, the play mode changed to "play_on". Now right-click with your mouse somewhere on the field and give. a free kick to one of the teams. Notice that the play mode changes. Kill the client (ctrl-C). Kill the simulator by hitting ctrl-C in the window that you started the server from. Now inspect the file ~/myteam.out to see the player's sensations during the above sequence. -- Search for "ball" (it should have become visible after the "move"). -- Search for "referee" (changes to the play mode are announced). The flags are all static markers that help the player figure out where it is on the field.
NOTE: If you just close the soccer server window, you will just stop the monitor. The actual soccer server process ("rcssserver") will continue running unless you actually stop everything by hitting ctrl-c in the terminal window you started the soccer server in. This can be annoying; if you want to kill the soccer server after just closing the soccer server window you'll have to find the process (ps aux | grep "rcss") and kill it manually.
In this exercise, you controlled the player by typing. Your sensations came from an overhead view of the field. Your task during this class will be to program agents to control players. Their sensations will be exactly what you saw in the file myteam.out.
% cd /projects/cs344M.pstone/logs % lsPick at least two of the games to watch, one newer and one older (to notice the difference in play). They are the finals from 8 previous RoboCup competitions. In one shell start the log player (make sure you are not in the game logs directory for this call):
% rcsslogplayer <game> (e.g. "rcsslogplayer /projects/cs344M.pstone/logs/1999final.rcg")In another shell, start the monitor:
% rcssmonitorHit the play button on the rcsslogplayer to start the game. Note that a full game lasts 6000 cycles (the 1998 final is divided into 2 halves and the 2001 final goes into extra time). If the log player doesn't work, see the instructions above to make sure that nobody is running the soccer server on your computer.
% ls *.rcgreplay your log: In one shell start the log player:
% rcsslogplayer <file>.rcg (where <file> is the name of the log displayed by the previous command)In another shell, start the monitor:
% rcssmonitorIf the logfile showed your player turning, dashing, and kicking as described in the assignment, then turn in the logfile (along with your 3D simulator logfile from the second part of this assignment) as directed on the main assignments page. Get used to working with log files and replaying them - during this course you will often be sending us such logfiles as the results of your programming assignments.
Page maintained by
Katie Genter
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