Usage: turnin --<option> <grader> <homework> <file> ...
<option> - submit, list
<grader> - the name of
the grader (in our case it will be "nate")
<homework> - the assignment label (which will be put up on
the webpage or mailed to the mailing list)
- the list of files that need to be submitted
For submitting a file named
turnin --submit nate homework1 assign1.cpp
For listing all the files that you have submitted as a part of homework1, the command line would be:
turnin --list nate homework1
After the deadline the grader can use the "off" option to stop receiving any more files. So timely submission is required!
For logfiles, do not forget to put your login id in the file name. For programs, do not forget to put your name and the assignment number in every file that is being submitted. The format is as given below:
//Name: xyz
//Assigment No: 1
For more details about turnin, you can see the man pages (man turnin).
What if turnin fails?
If for any reason, the turnin
program fails then you should e-mail the program to the TA or meet him
personally to hand over the programs.